Radio display gone on '00 Mounty | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Radio display gone on '00 Mounty

Coincidentally, both the Ford and Pioneer model numbers were the same as yours. That is why I ordered the same part number as you did. I just got the parts kit in today and installed only the display power supply board (I also received the connector block for power, speakers etc. as well as a small circuit board that solders to the main board somewhere). Anyway, the only difference that I could see on the new board is that the larger (1 watt?) resistor leads were bent so that the resistors will stand higher above the circuit board for better cooling and to keep the heat off the board itself. It is working great now. Total cost including S & H was $96.90. Thanks again for the information.

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After numerous attempts to fix my display myself, I found a local radio shop that repaired it for 60 Canadian dollars... best money I've ever spent on my truck!!!

There is a radio repair service on Ebay for these Explorer radio displays. It's $60 total, and guarenteed. My Mach radio has another issue evidently, and an amplifier cannot be added.


Care to share the info on where you had yours repaired?

Custone Electomotive, they are in Whitby. I brought it to them one day, and was ready for pick up the next.

Thanks. I'll keep them in mind when I decide to have mine repaired.

hey thanks for the info on the radio!!! that same problem has been bothering me and it only started doing it for the past couple monts of me owning it. i mean i have had the thing since august of last year so it's time for the radio to start having problems. thanks again

Radio is still going strong after repairing it myself using a new Compound Kit. It really is an easy repair.

On my 01 Sport(6 CD) the display face gets really hot. When that happens the dial is impossible to read. Almost all the characters are lit and the cd's get stuck while ejecting. Anyone else know what I'm talking about?

Fixed thanks to Total Carnage!

Thanks to the excellent information provided by Total Carnage in this thread, my 98 Explorer radio is again working perfectly!

I called Pioneer at the phone number he provided, gave them the model number of my radio, and asked for the "compound unit". A couple of days later I received the parts from Pioneer and in less than an hour had the new power supply installed and the radio back in the car with the display working again.

Thank you Total Carnage! Couldn't have done it without you.


Button Lights?

I had the same problem and fixed the display by replacing the power supply board as well as soldering a couple connections on the front display piece near the tape opening. The display now works great. Unfortunately, the buttons on the unit only light up intermittently. Anyone know anyhting about that issue?

I had the same problem and fixed the display by replacing the power supply board as well as soldering a couple connections on the front display piece near the tape opening. The display now works great. Unfortunately, the buttons on the unit only light up intermittently. Anyone know anyhting about that issue?

Chances are that some of the SMD LEDs have loose solder connections on the front side of the display board.

I have to order that kit that Total Carnage identified. I resoldered my board and my display still does not work. There are two SMD transistors Q1051 and Q1052 (DTA124EKA and DTC143EKA, respectively) that I believe are fried from the heat. For the seven or eight parts that should be replaced (cost of about $20) it may still be safer to replace the three component boards provided in the kit.


My post from another site...

The power supply board should be the same between the radios. It should be easy to tell once they are side by side. The parts that cause the problems are the high wattage resistors:

R1060 - 3.3 ohm 2W
R1061 - 1.8 ohm 2W
R1062 - 2.2 ohm 2W
R1063 - 2.2 ohm 2W

A step by step fix was detailed by someone else and can be found at

The kit for repairing the radio is available from Pioneer as part number HWM0043. This consists of three circuit boards (EQ PCB, Connector PCB, VF SUB PCB - the failed unit). The VF SUB PCB consists of three "zones": 6.2V regulator, 27kHz Oscillator for VF filament (where the high wattage resistors are located) and a DC/DC Converter (-39V). The last time I priced this kit it was about $147, though this might have been the equivalent Canadian price. I believe it is closer to $100US.

Well, even after this post and replacing the 2W resistors as well as several surface mount components that tested out-of-spec, it still did not work. I have to think that the board was just too damaged. I broke down and bought the repair kit from Speed-O-Tach for $87US plus shipping. I swapped out all three boards that come in the HWM0043 kit and the unit works like new.

Their contact information is as follows:

Cindy Ross
SOT Electronics, Inc.
(Speed-O-Tach, Inc)
4090 Pike Lane
Concord, CA 94520
p 800-442-4491 ext. 562
f 925-521-3559
