raw fuel in exhaust pipe | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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raw fuel in exhaust pipe


New Member
December 10, 2004
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huntington beach Ca.
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 4x4
My 92 4x4 auto. 4.0 will barely start, runs only for a short time and i must have the gas pedal fully depressed. At this point, i am fully depressed! There is raw fuel dripping from the exhaust pipe. I attempted code retrieval and the ohm meter needle would not sweep. Hope you can help. Thanks.

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check the fuel pressure, likey the fuel pressure regulator is shot.

raw fuel

..also this part is very important ...once the fuel preasure regulator goes bad ...like your is , the ceank case is going to have raw gas in it also ....do not run the engine any more untill you change the oil and filter . have you ever seen the damage done when the fuel in the oil pan ignites...? not pretty ....the regulator will run youuuu I think close to 60.00 and takes less than 10 minutes to change ....

I just bought a 91 that was doing the same thing. Luckly I ran across this thread before I bought any parts. I changed it out and it runs now. Just wanted to thank all involved for the insight. :thumbsup:

I'd have to agree with the FP regulator... check for fuel in the vacuum hose at the regulator... sometimes the diaphragm rips and sucks fuel into the intake... other times they just stick and the pressure goes up to about 90psi...
