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Remote Start Facts (2011 - 2015 only)

Yes they did! Should they have given me any type of Instruction Manual?

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Yes they did! Should they have given me any type of Instruction Manual?

No there is no manual. The base system operation and settings is in the owner's manual.

To give you a hint you can select 5/10/15 minutes and you can double the run time during the first remote start session.

Thanks Jason,
Found the info in the Owners manual. Changed to 15 minutes.
All set for now.

Thanks Jason,
Found the info in the Owners manual. Changed to 15 minutes.
All set for now.

Glad you found it. Enjoy remote start it's nice to have!

Called my Ford dealership today to have my remote start activated on my 2015 XLT, they said it DOES not have it and whoever says it does is crazy.

Called my Ford dealership today to have my remote start activated on my 2015 XLT, they said it DOES not have it and whoever says it does is crazy.

Guess they should look in the mirror. Find another dealer.

or tell them you will educate them for free and show them it does by enabling it for free

Can someone post a photo of where the hood pin is and what it looks like please? I searched back thru this thread and there is no indication about what to look for.

Also found this picture.



  • BT4Z-19G366-A-2T.jpg
    41.5 KB · Views: 709

Hello everyone, I'm a newbie to the forum and just purchased a 2014 Ford Explorer XLT and was scanning this forum for general info when the remote start caught my eye. I know Ford has a good amount of different systems for the Explorer so things can get confusing quickly.

For my first forum post, I simply wanted to thank jmr061 (Jason) for all the info regarding the simple dealer activation of the remote start and a new 4 button key.

I love in Phoenix and have easily 6+ Ford dealers I called about simply activating the stock remote start in my 2014 Explorer Xlt. I already have the hood switch (came stock with the vehicle) and ordered the 4 button key from Jason. ALL the dealerships said they never heard of that and quoted me $400+ dollars to get remote start installed. I finally talked to a service rep at one of the dealerships and said, regardless of if it works or not, could you have one of your techs simply hook up the IDS and activate the remote start function on my explorer, 15 minutes of labor. He quoted me $50 and I was there the next day.

The ford rep said his tech does 5 remote start installs a day and has never heard of the IDS activate remote start I was asking him to try, but 15 minutes after taking my car into the shop the rep came out to the waiting area and said it worked, there was an option to activate the remote start. He then asked if I needed a key for $230. I told him I had on on the way and he said that I would not be able to program the remote start feature to the key without Ford's IDS computer. I told him I'd be back if that were the case.

I reviewed the key I ordered from Jason and found Home Depot would not cut it because if they screwed it up, they did not want to be liable for a new key. HOWEVER, call around, as ACE Hardware cut the key for me for $4 and took 2 minutes. So here I was, ACE Hardware parking lot, 2 stock keys and one freshly cut 4 button remote start key needing programming. The Ford manual has instructions on how to program a 3rd key if you have 2 keys already. I followed the instructions and finally inserted the new key to the ignition to get programmed and heard the lock unlock of the doors signifying programming was complete. So I turned the key and the explorer started up. Perfect, the new key works to start the car and lock/unlock it. The I turned the explorer off and got out.

I hit the lock button followed by two clicks of the remote start button and poof, it started right up!

Bottom line, for $50 activation, price of a new 4 button key (message Jason) and a $4 key cut charge, I have remote start and it was less then $150. It works guys, and I was amazed at how completely clueless the dealership service reps and techs are to this feature.

I live in Massachusetts and the dealers are as dumb as stumps. Live and learn.

Hello everyone, I'm a newbie to the forum and just purchased a 2014 Ford Explorer XLT and was scanning this forum for general info when the remote start caught my eye. I know Ford has a good amount of different systems for the Explorer so things can get confusing quickly.

For my first forum post, I simply wanted to thank jmr061 (Jason) for all the info regarding the simple dealer activation of the remote start and a new 4 button key.

I love in Phoenix and have easily 6+ Ford dealers I called about simply activating the stock remote start in my 2014 Explorer Xlt. I already have the hood switch (came stock with the vehicle) and ordered the 4 button key from Jason. ALL the dealerships said they never heard of that and quoted me $400+ dollars to get remote start installed. I finally talked to a service rep at one of the dealerships and said, regardless of if it works or not, could you have one of your techs simply hook up the IDS and activate the remote start function on my explorer, 15 minutes of labor. He quoted me $50 and I was there the next day.

The ford rep said his tech does 5 remote start installs a day and has never heard of the IDS activate remote start I was asking him to try, but 15 minutes after taking my car into the shop the rep came out to the waiting area and said it worked, there was an option to activate the remote start. He then asked if I needed a key for $230. I told him I had on on the way and he said that I would not be able to program the remote start feature to the key without Ford's IDS computer. I told him I'd be back if that were the case.

I reviewed the key I ordered from Jason and found Home Depot would not cut it because if they screwed it up, they did not want to be liable for a new key. HOWEVER, call around, as ACE Hardware cut the key for me for $4 and took 2 minutes. So here I was, ACE Hardware parking lot, 2 stock keys and one freshly cut 4 button remote start key needing programming. The Ford manual has instructions on how to program a 3rd key if you have 2 keys already. I followed the instructions and finally inserted the new key to the ignition to get programmed and heard the lock unlock of the doors signifying programming was complete. So I turned the key and the explorer started up. Perfect, the new key works to start the car and lock/unlock it. The I turned the explorer off and got out.

I hit the lock button followed by two clicks of the remote start button and poof, it started right up!

Bottom line, for $50 activation, price of a new 4 button key (message Jason) and a $4 key cut charge, I have remote start and it was less then $150. It works guys, and I was amazed at how completely clueless the dealership service reps and techs are to this feature.

Go back to the dealer and show the service rep they were not needed for programming the key! lol

Also found this picture.

Yip. I have that under my hood. I'ma gonna go there and rqust to hook it up to the computer and activate it. If they blow me smoke, I will request that if it works to do it for free, and if it doesn't, I will pay an hr charge for trying. We'll see what they say.

Mission accomplished. It was like pulling teeth. I took the instructions provided here to them. They insisted it couldn't be done, and I simply asked that they try. They hesitated, but pulled it in, hooked up the computer, and were astonished that it could be done. Dealer charged me $65 flat fee to activate, cut keys, and program the keys (which I could have done, but they insisted). OEM Keys cost me $240 from eBay. The service manager kept saying he had been there for years and had no idea that could be done to Explorers.

Thanks for all the assistance here. I am grateful to find information like this.

Mission accomplished. It was like pulling teeth. I took the instructions provided here to them. They insisted it couldn't be done, and I simply asked that they try. They hesitated, but pulled it in, hooked up the computer, and were astonished that it could be done. Dealer charged me $65 flat fee to activate, cut keys, and program the keys (which I could have done, but they insisted). OEM Keys cost me $240 from eBay. The service manager kept saying he had been there for years and had no idea that could be done to Explorers.

Thanks for all the assistance here. I am grateful to find information like this.

Glad to hear but why didn't you get oem keys from me? 2 keys for 156.25 shipped

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Glad to hear but why didn't you get oem keys from me? 2 keys for 156.25 shipped

Because you told me you were out of them the other day, and all you had were the aftermarket keys. Otherwise I would have.
