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Removing dealership sticker - Help

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If it's really stuck on there, use a heat gun or hair dryer to heat up the glue, then peel it off carefully with your fingernail, or you could try using floss. Use goo-gone or WD-40 to remove the residue, and make sure you clean it all up really well and wax over the spot where the sticker was.

seems pretty simple, thanks i'll try it tomorrow

They also make a spray to remove bumber stickers and stuff off of cars that works great. Very little effort. I think you can find some at any parts place. Just removes the adhesive.



it's a sticker, and can't just pull it off with my finger, so i'm going to try the hair dryer in a bout an hour, i'll let everyone know how it works...

I used a razor blade for mine, but it was over 10 years old, so the adesive was probably letting go anyway
