Removing drive shaft - can you advise? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Removing drive shaft - can you advise?

Wow. Thanks for all the advice again. That's a lot of advice! Well, as soon as the rain stops I'm going to have another go at it. I have a small pencil torch that I'm going to use to try and heat up the bolts very carefully. Maybe that will help them loosen up. I'm also going to jack up the rear and put ramps underneath. This way I can have the tires solid while trying to loosen them. If I need to rotate the driveshaft, I'll put jackstands under there temporarily. Last resort is an impact gun! Do you think a cordless model would be powerful enough? (or would it have to plug in?)

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94_explorer said:
Wow. Thanks for all the advice again. That's a lot of advice! Well, as soon as the rain stops I'm going to have another go at it. I have a small pencil torch that I'm going to use to try and heat up the bolts very carefully. Maybe that will help them loosen up. I'm also going to jack up the rear and put ramps underneath. This way I can have the tires solid while trying to loosen them. If I need to rotate the driveshaft, I'll put jackstands under there temporarily. Last resort is an impact gun! Do you think a cordless model would be powerful enough? (or would it have to plug in?)
You will in no way need an impact wrench for a 1/4 inch bolt.
Jack the truck up, put it on jackstands, block the front tires, put the tranny in park.
Use a cheeter bar on your breaker bar, mark the joints so they go back as they came off.
Loosen what you can get to, remove the bolts, put the tranny in neutral, rotate the tire by hand to get the other bolts to where you have access.
This is not rocket science.just do it

do it, just doo it.

alright alright. I'm gonna DO IT as soon as it stops raining!! It's gonna work this time damnit!

94_explorer said:
alright alright. I'm gonna DO IT as soon as it stops raining!! It's gonna work this time damnit!
I hear ya man, have never seen rain like this in march

So what do you torque the flange bolts to when they go back together? I've looked this site, and many, many others, over for this information. How do you tell if you have a double cardian joint, or a single one? I've got my u-bolts replaced in my rear drive shaft, torqued the bolts to 30ft/lbs, and would really appreciate knowing the correct torque for these bolts. Thanks

30 ft lbs is not enough :) I do mine by hand so I am nit sure the factory toque spec, but I would guess 65-80 ft lbs is about right

On a 1st gen the front driveshaft has a double cardan U-joint where it attaches to the T-case. Basically the joint countains 2 U-joints...

