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respect for ford chassis

Thought I would throw a thread in here, because I had an oops that gave me a deep respect for the chassis on my X. I was driving down some easf BF road in Ohio, doing 50 since the limit wasn't posted. I was coming up to the crest of a hill, started getting that uneasy feeling, more than usual, that you get when you don't know what the road is going to do since you can't see it, got to the top of the hill, and the road not only was breaking to the right, but there was a stop sign there too, where the road ended, and you had to turn right or left. Right about this point, after I noticed the school bus coming to the intersection, I s*** my pants. I hit the brakes (although I knew in my head it was WAY too late for those) started gritting my teeth for school bus impact, (I had images flashing through my brain of pieces of metal flying everywhere) and flew passed the bus. Somehow I missed it. But my ride was not over yet. I had the road ending to deal with. Not to mention the telephone pole I just noticed, coming up on the front drivers side. Well, luck, god, idk, shined upon me, and I think somehow I got the front tires to pull me just enough to the right, missed the pole, and went diving airborne down an embankment, I'm guessing at around 40 or 45. Prob about a good 11 or 12 foot dropoff. Not sure, but I know at the bottom you can't see the road. So now, I'm thinking a good nosedive smash, maybe a few flips (that **** in Dukes of Hazard wasn't real, they went through god knows how many Chargers), and could't fn believe it, I landed it, started skidding sideways, (I landed aiming to the right) in a farmers field, and finally came to a stop. First thing I did was jump outta the truck, and start looking at the tires, wheels, anything. Saw nothing wrong. To be honest, it didn't even feel like I bottomed out on the jump, but there was plenty of adrenaline involved. So I get in, put in in 4 wheel (lots of mud) and drive away. Saw a cop fly by me sires a blarin on the way down the road. Haha. In any event, no damage, just a serious washing, the tires were so full of mud the thing was shaking all over the place. Sorry so long, just happened 2 days ago.

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talk about a wild ride. glad to hear that you and the X are alright.

thanks. me too.

hey did the school bus have kids on it??

sounds like a fun ride you had there:D

2002 Explorer- 24,000 (dont know how much they cost)
new pants-25$
Fun ride, that you survived- Priceless

So theres no damge to the truck?? also the mad vibrations you got may be from the alignment gettign knovked out, you might want to check that


Damn! Time for some new shocks, huh?! Thats pretty amazing.

hey did the school bus have kids on it??

Not sure if it did, but I did think about how cool it would have been to be on it. I pictured myself lookin out watching this explorer fly throught the air and skid to a stop, like That was fn awesome!!!!

So theres no damge to the truck??

The alignment is slightly off now, but extremely slight. Not even enough to be annoying.

I would have loved to have seen that!!!:D Glad you're OK! I think I would have needed new pants after that stunt.

yikes! glad everything came out of that ok!

Thats a *****in story man!!

what are the chances you could take a pic of the scene so we can picture it a little better?

Wow, you didn't even crush any exaust parts or anything?

Well, as much as it is a sacred item I guess you are allowed to officially install the Dixie horn in your X. Where was the cop going? Looking for you?

Where was the cop going? Looking for you?

I'm assuming he was going for me. No way to know for sure, but there was nothing else out there. I actually did go back and take pics of the area, but cant post 'em. I'm just a "wannabe".

Wow, you didn't even crush any exaust parts or anything?

Nope. Everything is still intact. Lucky me.

Actually, I had an idea, I put the pics of the area on my cardomain homepage, down toward the bottom.
The first pic is the hill when I didn't know what was on the other side, I was doing 50 here. Second is at the top of the hill, the telephone pole down in the field. Hard to see the dropoff, but it's there, trust me. Actually, if you notice you can't see the bottom of the telephone pole in the center, but that pole is quite away back from the road. The bus was just on the right hand side of the road.

thats awesome:D

Sounds like a wild ride! You're one lucky **** though! I would've stayed for the cops though, it might come back to haunt you.

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CDADDY~ where did you do this?? i wanna try.. im in VB:D
