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Ronin's Rig

Wow, was wondering if I missed something. Now I understand why I saw you make a move to the 4th gen section. Nice looking Ironman. Sorry about the 3rd gen.

Wow, was wondering if I missed something. Now I understand why I saw you make a move to the 4th gen section. Nice looking Ironman. Sorry about the 3rd gen.

Thanks, and I try to look at it as making an upgrade rather than losing something. :thumbsup:

I definitely believe you achieved that. Well since you did the sky high thing, you gonna drop the next. I guess I should ask that in the new thread.

I definitely believe you achieved that. Well since you did the sky high thing, you gonna drop the next. I guess I should ask that in the new thread.

Nah, still lifting, just no body lift this time. Won't be messing with the axles either unless I decide to put in a TrueTrac....but that's it.
