S2 link | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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S2 link

ok so i have everything for my jeep and ended up with an axle i can't use d44(driverside diff) so i am going to do a solid conversion within the year but i am not going with unflexy EB setup and i am going to keep coils and want to ramp atleast 1000+ so it's S2 link wich will definetly get me past my 1000 mark so i was wondering why nobody else has done this or even considered it i don't know it's just ,why copy a bad design "eb"

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it's sorta like a 4 link but better it's kinda hard to explain do u know what SA-link is..........try a search on S2-link but to give u a rough image it's got one Link that looks like a A and the point of the A swivels on the axle and is a swing arm on the frame and then there are 2 links that are just mount just like the lower links.........with S2-link there is less friction to move than any front suspension that i know of the flex u get with it is unbelievable ......check out www.bentandtwisted.com under customers ...i will definatly do it to my x if i do it to my willys jeep first

one more thing don't to a search here because i doubt it's ever been brought up before go to www.pirate4x4.com

Holy $**t!!!

Over 5 feet of articulation!! Jesus man talk about wheel travel. If you do this send me detailed pics so I can copy this.

I'm doing it via coils/radius arms simply because of one thing..


I don't have a full shop to do the conversion.

Wristed Radius Arms

It comes after the axle/radius arms are installed.
There is also the Duff setup that ramps 1000+

Wristed arm do a good job but make sure you have component shop do the welding.

Go fordboys.com they have an EB frame/BroncoII body setup with the wristed arms, work good.

Good Luck,

yeah that would be perfect 1000+ RTI plus locked front and rear but anyways i am going to have to sell one or the other:( becuase i will have two trail rigs in a little over a year so it's either willys jeep i have been working on since i was 15 or the explorer wich has about a year of my time in it :exp: :shoot:
