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Scott B's 93 Ranger XLT V8

If you don't mind me asking is their other benefits to hood struts besides the ease of the them?

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Nice! Where did you get those?

From a company called Red Line Tuning. You can find them on eBay, and they have their own web site.

If you don't mind me asking is their other benefits to hood struts besides the ease of the them?

You don't need the support rod, so you can open and close the hood one-handed (nice if something is in your other hand.) Also, when working under the hood, the support rod is not there to get in your way (sure, you have the 2 struts to deal with, but usually work is done toward the front of the engine bay.)

Maybe I'm lazy, but I think they're kind of cool!

(OK - some may call it "Bling"...)

Hahaha I like em, ill probably get a set once i find the $$$ haha. I just didnt know if their was a cool expedition oriented benefit

Nice build! That sleeping platform is top notch. :D

Newest Addition

A couple of souvenirs from the Desert Expedition of 2011...


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M/DV stickers.....

Scott, How are you? Still thinking how great the desert "Expedition " was!!!!! One thing... saw the stickers, look good..... however the Mojave sticker is great..... the DV sticker will not last long in the rain, mine turned to s... in no time, but you should be able to find a good weatherproof DV one online, still a maybe on the trip in June, will be in touch. stay safe, Michael

Hey Michael,

That was a great trip, wasn't it? I'm still working on my writeup (novel?) - need to post some pictures, too (I took 986!)

Very disappointing to hear that about the DV sticker - I really like that one. We'll see what can be found on-line.

I'm ready to go back...

..:shifty_ey ..Trip in June?..Ok, spill it..:D

Trip in june....

Ted, Yeah I'm going to the Overlandrally in Ashville, NC in early June, trying to get Scott to come up.... not to far from him to go. As for me... cake drive after the M/DV trip drive, I am going for the whole event, 4 day's, maybe they can teach an old horse some new tricks. Anyway a chance to see some kool stuff/trucks, camp all that stuff, come on over East!!! would be funner if the three, oops, 4 of us could meet up there ( of course bring "poochie") stay safe, Michael

..Wish I could but it looks like I'll be spending this summers money on the trucks..

..:scratch:..A little birdie told me Scott is just about ready to start a major project or two on his 93 Ranger...That's why he hasn't been on as much..

..Well, that and he's working on his return from novel..:)

V8 Conversion

I purchased my Ranger XLT new in September 1993. I ordered it from Ford – even had to wait an extra 2 weeks for delivery due to the floods in the Midwest. After driving the truck for almost 18 years, (including 9 trips across the country) I have put 320,000 miles on the original 4.0L engine and A4LD transmission. The time has come to replace the drivetrain.

The new drivetrain will be a 5.0 L engine (SN95) with an AOD transmission. I am going to run my stock BW1354 transfer case. I have already swapped in a 31-spine 8.8 rear axle.

The objective of the engine build is reliability and reasonable performance. I am looking for 275 – 300 horsepower, lots of torque, and to start every time I touch the key.

I plan to keep the truck OBDI for simplicity, and use my existing column shifter for operating the transmission.

I plan to detail the engine build here, and the installation/conversion in this thread.

Smog Certificate

The 300,000 mile engine (and catalytic converters) passed smog yesterday!

I decided to keep the tag current while it is off the road getting the new engine.

The engine still burns really clean - hope the new one is as clean burning...

300k engine.....

Scott, Just another way of saying "Ford tough"!!!! good luck with the new one. stay safe, Michael

New Parts!

I got some new parts this week.

First up, is a Viair 2 gallon air tank. I am going to replace the ARB compressor in the truck with a Viair compressor I purchased a couple of years ago. The compressor will be mounted in the bed, under the sleeping platform (more convenient than in the cab where the ARB was.) The air tank will go under the bed, where the factory spare used to me (like on Brian1's Ex and Tbars' Ranger.)

Next, is a set of knuckles from a '95 Ranger. I am going to upgrade my front brakes with the 2-piston design of the newer trucks. These look rather rough (one even has TTB arm ends on it :() - I will blast and magnaflux them. I hope to get this done before the Utah trip next spring - stay tuned!


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Next, is a set of knuckles from a '95 Ranger. I am going to upgrade my front brakes with the 2-piston design of the newer trucks.

I will be watching this! I happen to have the same knuckles/calipers/rotors and spindles off a 95 Ranger parts TTB I picked up last year. It didnt even occur to me that the dual piston brakes would be a good upgrade.

...That tank is purdy in that color...:biggthump

..As for the 95-97 Ranger brakes for upgrades, love to do it on my X and get rid of those sloppy pins but finding the knuckles is getting harder and harder to find...

..but I guess someone in San Diego's been reading up on it..

It won't stay that color long with all the red clay around here...

Now to make a mounting bracket like Brian's...

I just got the RuffStuff battery cages powder coated (thanks Turdle!)

Once the engine comes out, I will mount one of these to the existing battery tray, replacing the quad-J-bolt mount I am currently using to hold the Optima in place...

The other one goes in the bed, under the sleeping platform, for a Yellow Top.


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While waiting for the engine project to get moving, I've been working on the body of the truck. I removed the flares, and have been buffing the paint. It's making quite a difference - a brighter shade of white.

While the flares are off, I filled all the nicks, scratches and gouges, and will have them sprayed with bedliner this week. In the process of removing them, I broke several of the plastic clips holding the flares to the body. Fortunately, I was able to get new ones from Ford.

Lastly, I am going to update the emblems.


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