Scraping Noise while in Gear 94 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Scraping Noise while in Gear 94 Explorer


Well-Known Member
September 7, 2012
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'94 xlt
This just started happening pretty badly. When I put it into gear there's a grinding/scraping noise coming from under the truck. If I'm in DRIVE or REVERSE and on the brake, or coasting it's pretty noisy. When I first press the accelerator it's noisy for a split second then goes away once I start moving. Never makes the noise in park. Doesn't' sound good. Can anyone point out what it may be? Thanks.


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..You have the video set to private...:popcorn:

dagnabit. It's viewable now.

..:scratch:..It's a little hard to tell with the door dinging and all...

...But it sounds more like a rattle than a scrape...:dunno:

..The first thing that comes to mind is the notorious cat rattle where the weld breaks loose on the cat body/heat shield and rattles...

..The second thing would be to check the radiator fan and alternator to make sure they are not hitting something..

Give your exhaust a few solid whacks with a mallet or boot kick. Check for a catalytic converter rattling internally. Maybe a heat shield mounted to the body has come loose, or there is a pebble stuck in a heat shield.

I think the tensioner spring was shot. I replaced the tensioner and pulley and the noise went away.
