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Shakey speedometer


Well-Known Member
July 4, 2004
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Here is my experience. My speedometer needle is real shakey from 0 - 30 after it hits 30 the needle is as steady as can be. Anybody have any ideas on what is causing this?

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Happened to me too after I took my transmission out. I'm guessing the little gear thing isnt seated properly or something.

Check the speedometer drive cable for kinks or binding, then try lubricating it.


could be lots of things, usually the higher tooth gears do this (19-21, used for larger tires)

Your cable could be worn out, or you might need a new speedometer head. My BII speedo has done this for years and years, I think its because its the original unit with 247K miles on it. the cable, sensor, gears are all new

the speed sensor just monitors the speed of the gear/cable.
If your cruise control works then the speed sensor is working

The cable or the gear are the first suspect

Ok, well I think I will look into the cable, and hope it is not the gear. Do you know if inspecting that gear is difficult?

yea mine started after i had my transmission done. The dude said he had no idea, so i havent worried. But hopefully i can fix it now. -TJ

the gear on the end of the speed sensor/calbe is plastic, about $15 from Ford. A single botl holds the whole assembly in the transfer case/transmission.
