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slipping tranny 1997 ford explorer

You know, I have to admit, the loss of OD as part of the "Failure Effects Management Mode" (FMEM or "limp mode") never occurred to me. Help me here, were you getting harsh shifts too? I say this over and over but it bears repeating...I am constantly learning as well here!... and I always thought that the existence of a harsh shift along with a thrown code would be a dead give away for FMEM operation, (as I understand it causes the EPC to default to max pressure resulting in harsh shifts.) Looks like I have a little more homework to do here!

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Sorry I been away. Yes, I was getting very hard shifts. It was so bad that I almost left the damn thing to get rebuilt because it didnt act like it would get me 20 miles and home. Instead, after I got home I went to the Ford dealership and this guy told me to do this and it straightened out. He said Aamco probably put it into FMEM. After I reset it I was back to the second gear slip which is why I am going to start with the number 2 shift solonoid. Have you ever used the exterior belt adjusters? He told me on the drivers side of the tranny I would see 2 - 3/4 lock nuts and they would loosen and let me adjust the 5/16th adjustment bolt. He said to tighten them in and then bring them out one and three quarter turns. If it wasnt below zero here I would go and try it but tommorrow is supposed to get up to twenty so I think Ill do it then.

I feel better now. So your harsh shifts only started after Aamco looked at it and also said you hade another new code? Hmmm. I'll not say anything, but feel free to read my mind.

Ok let's go back to the shift solenoid. Remember the gasket could play a role here too. Keep us posted.

You say belt adjusters, I think you mean band adjustment screws. Yes I have (smile) you have to anytime you rebuild a transmission or take one apart.

The A4LD rebuild diary shows how to adjust them. Your friend says 1-3/4 turns. Spec is 2, but he is probably trying to help you make up for VB leakage and lower apply pressures. If you rebuild the VB, you may want to stay at the spec of two turns. Do you have an inch lb torque wrench? You tighten the band screws to 120 inch pounds, then back then out two turns and then hold them at that setting and tighten the lock nut. The lock nut has a seal, so if you re-use the old ones they may leak.

You have a long night of reading ahead of you Sam. Read the VB diary, the A4LD diary and then read Frankentranny for more 5R55 info. HOMEWORK. It pays.

ps. I like your friend at the dealership. Sharp cookie.

I will tell him you said so, lol. He said they send him to school 2 times a year. Maybe I can ask him if ford has any other little tricks that people need to know about. As for AAMCO they can ###@##%$^%^%$$%$ themselves. When it came time to pay them the guy said " just put it towards what it is going to cost to rebuild it, lol. This guy I know told me that if they thought it was a band problem they should have checked it with the adjustments. He said it is one of the ways he uses to see if its a band problem. He said they would have adjusted the bands, changed a gasket or two and maybe a selonoid and billed me 900.00. Nice people, lol.....Live and learn. This guy also told me that if it does end up needing a rebuild he will do that and the updates for 700.00, plus any hard parts at the shop at his residence. I think you will say that is fair enogh allthough I kinda would like to do it all myself........

do you have to let off the gas a little when going into second to make it shift to second if so glacier that sounds like my band problem i was having hard to get into second and no engine brakeing in manual 2 maybe band problems or servos?

I have to back off the gas to shift into second. You said yours was a band problem? I am hoping it is only a solonoid or gasket, lol....

Glacier, I changed the shift solenoid and there is no difference. The mechanic at the ford garage has told me to tighten the adjusters for the bands a little bit and see if that makes a difference but I am leary to do that. Does that sound like something that you would try? I have noticed that it is kicking into limp mode more often now. I went to get new 3/4 nuts in case they leak but they have none in stock, lol. I felt like asking them wtf do you stock but didnt bother allthough I swear they stock nothing, lol......

Tonight I tried to adjust the band tighteners on the outside of the tranny. Both threads were rusted up a little so I didnt feel that I would get an accurate reading with the torque wrench. What would happen if I were to take the 3/4 nut right off the bolt and then thread the 5/16 bolt right out of the tranny to clean up the threads? I was also curious as the front bolt only had about three threads above the nut and the one in the back was showing seven threads. I found your info in part three of the rebuild diary but it didnt say whether I could take them out.

do not take the adjusting bolt 5/16 out or back it way out if you do you will probably
lose the anchor strut also you say you have seven threads on the intermediate band
and 3 on the overdrive band i just rebuilt mine and i have 5 and 5 showing it sounds to
me like you nave a problem with the overdrive band it may be broke was this after you adjusted it or was it like this when you got underneath there and looked at it also was the locknut loose on the overdrive or was it tight it also sounds like sometime it had been adjusted for some reason but 3 threads showing that sure would have been tight

The lock nut was tight and it has been like that. I would assume that someone allready has tightened it before. Tommorrow I am going to take the nut off and clean the threads. Then I can use the torque wrench and see how far it has been screwed in. Are you saying the front adjustment is for overdrive? Can you briefly explain which band does what. I do have a feeling that the adjustment bolt being in so far is not a good thing.......

Thank you Brad. DO not remove the adjusting bolt. Use a wire brush and clean it up in place. Try adjusting it, if the nut leaks PM me and i can send you one to replace it. I think they cost me about $2 each.

And yes the front most is OD, the the rear most is intermediate (1-2 shift).

I am trying to get a grasp on this, lol. You guys are saying the front adjustment is for the overdrive, and the back nut is for the first and second shift in drive. Does that mean the back adjustment also controls reverse and drive? Also the nut towards the rear has the linkage half covering it. Is it best to remove the linkage by taking out what appears to be two small bolts that hold it on?

The low/reverse band is not adjustable. So the only two adjusting screws are for the intermediate band and the overdrive band.

I adjusted the bands to one and three quarters turns out and I cant feel a difference. I also replaced the shift solonoid and no difference, lol. Am I right in assuming that the EPC would be next?

did you feel any tension when adjusting the front band (overdrive or did it screw all the way in with ease and would it go all the way in without any resistance??? like it would not ever tighten?

There was resistance on both of them, but more so on the back one. What would that mean? Im still getting slip going into second gear. Would it hurt to tighten it a little more?

ok im assuming you could not screw the adjusting nuts in all the way by hand you had to wrench them right? resistance is good! no resistance is bad! hey glacier i was reading through this post all the way through i know on the 4r55e the intermediate band is applied when shifting to second and in second but you replied to him that the od band was applied in this situation either you meant the intermediate or since this is a 5r55e does the od band apply as well? ok the only problem is second gear right? i know the others are probably shifting harder than normal but the main problem is second? how about the intermediate servo not applying or not applying correctly maybe we can get glacier to answer a little when he comes online. i know on the 4rs
the od and intermediate sevos could get hard and brittle if there close to the cat like on mine but hey may have fixed this problem.

ok another quick question when you are giong get going about 30 mph amd put the shift lever in manual 2 and see if you have any engine braking

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I have to run to the store. I will check it and let you know in about 10 minutes....Thx
