Some ways to beef up HP | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Some ways to beef up HP

So to sum this up, new plugs/wires for maintence of horse power(sorry, but i really cant see how it would increase power, but i could be wrong), new chip and filter for increased power, and finnally, couldn't you drop in better injectors.

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rbaker_13 said:
who cares how efficent your damn explorer is its still crap oh secondly it says "elite explorer" on you info and ugh for some reason I doubt that given what you said about you 8 hp bs gain you got from adding you damn plugs and wires that probably cost like no more than $20 all together that it makes you elite (plus you paid the same amount for your plugs and wires as you did for this site). if you can get 8 hp by adding plugs and wires then wouldnt every one be doing this. dude look at your explorer its a pice of junk any way and if you wanna hate back hate on mine

Where the hell did this come from, I was joking man like the 3% increase in efficiency does anything, plus I was JOKING, see the “HAHAHA”. Although one thing most people do is try to make their cars and trucks more efficient. The box said 3 hp form the spark plugs and 5 hp from the wires, don’t really think it is true but that is what the box said. I know these are more than likely false claims but that is the claim. Sorry I don’t have a dyno in my back yard so I can tell if the claims are true, don’t really think so, but there it is.

And where did you get mine is a piece of junk, from the wreck I had, YES I HAD A WRECK AND I DID NOT HAVE A BODY SHOP IN THE BACK OF MY CAR SO I HAVE NOT GOTTEN IT FIXED YET.

Sorry about that but when I am attacked like that I have to say something.

On to the real questions.

The wires I use are Taylor 8mm. I think I got them at they have a couple colors if that matters to you. I have Denso spark plugs; don’t remember where I got them. These are just what I used any performance brand should work as long as it fits, just if you do change your spark plugs remember to set the proper gap. And yes you could put high flow injectors but jtsmith is right the computer and all that would have to be redone.

Oh and rbaker_13 you are asking the wrong person to hate on you, don’t like the whole street seen, but you truck looks pretty good. Don’t think I am saying this to try and appease you, because I hate how the allied powers in WW2 tried to appease Germany just as much as the next guy.


found this too thought you might like it

As for the plugs and wires...

There was an article in MM&FF a couple of months ago where they took an sn94 Mustang with like 70k on the clock and did a baseline dyno run, then they changed the spark plugs to a brand new set of Motorcraft Platinums. IIRC they went up 7hp on the dyno. Then they changed to some other brand that they were pushing and got 9hp over base line.

So, Yes, you can get more HP out of new plugs but it is mostly just refreshing what you had when it rolled off of the line in KY. Some other brand may give you a couple more but it won't be significant. I would assume that wires will do about the same if not less unless you have a bad wire in the first place. need to go back to the civic forum hole where you crawled out from. Ebay parts won't get you far here bud. AND, you have a lot of nerve going to a forum deticated to explorers and saying that explorers are junk.

Oh by the way, is this your explorer?


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rbaker_13 said:
who cares how efficent your damn explorer is its still crap oh secondly it says "elite explorer" on you info and ugh for some reason i doubt that given what you said about you 8 hp bs gain you got from adding you damn plugs and wires that probably cost like no more than $20 all together that it makes you elite (plus you paid the same amount for your plugs and wires as you did for this site). if you can get 8 hp by adding plugs and wires then wouldnt every one be doing this. dude look at your explorer its a pice of junk any way and if you wanna hate back hate on mine

Ladies and gentlemen, here is your classic case of what we like to call "Internet balls". This user is acting like a hardass from the comfort of his own home behind his computer screen. Guaranteed if the conversation in this thread occurred in real life, he wouldn't say a damn thing because 1) There wouldn't be the anonymity and miles that seperate him from the person he bashes, and 2) He would probably get his ass kicked.

Carry on. :chug:

The only way a spark plug and/or a spark plug wire will net more HP is if the previous one(s) were not functioning properly.

The reason to replace plugs and/or wires is to remedy a problem by them malfunctioning, not to increase HP.


I got home and found the article. It wasn't in MM&FF it was in 5.0Mustang &Super Fords. July 2005 issue page 216. It was an 03 Cobra with a few mods. The motorcraft gave them 1.92Hp over baseline w/ 4.28ft lb tq over baseline. The ones that they replaced them with look like platinum +4's but are called "Brisk Premium LSG" The Hp line on the Brisk plugs was +5.18 over the motorcraft and .05 tq over the Motorcraft...Totaling 7.1 HP and 4.78 FT/Lb Tq. from replacing Spark Plugs.

chriswells78 said:
Totaling 7.1 HP and 4.78 FT/Lb Tq. from replacing Spark Plugs.

I am bu no means doubting you, I am doubting your source,

Think about it, if that were true, every racer in the world would use those plugs. That name would be plastered over every NASCAR racer, every drag car, etc. And every person who wanted more from theor vehicle would be using those plugs.

I have never ever heard of those plugs.

Its also possible that those numbers are within the margin of error on the dyno.

Explorer#2 said:
ok so spark plugs and wires may not make hp but they give hp lost over time back to you, i say they are worth it.
I couldn't agree more with that statement.
And if I might build on that, good ones will last longer.
Although I personally like to change and read mine often

Someone told me to put in a lighter camshaft for like 350. Would this be a worthwhile mod? Would this be a good price, he pretty much pulled it out of mid air.

a cam sounds like a lot of work for some HP. you;d be better off with an ebay intake kit and a custom exhaust from your local muffler shop. you could probably gain 10hp. then keep going from there with a larger MAF, and then a larger throttle body(i beleive from a mustang), bigger injectors, then probably a cam, but of course a full tune up so your at least building up a good baseline explorer first.

then when your motor is all built up, explorerexpress has a supercharge for the 4.0sohc and 5.0, but it will run you around 3500 i think(off the top of my head)

here is a list of what im planning on getting so far
MAC Air Intake & K&N Filter (Explorer Express)
Dual Exit exhaust
Program Chip from Bama Chips
75mm MAS (EE)
Throttle Body (EE)
Ford Racing Underdrive Pully Kit (Where can I find this? I found a review on the site where they said it works and runs for about 95 dollars, but I cant find it.
New Performance Spark Plugs & Wires
Maybe the Tornado thing (I know it wont get me probably any noticable horsepower, but I figure with the intake and MAS it cant do any harm, might squeeze 1 or 2 hp out And a little gas milage) i found one on ebay for 20.00 that the guy home makes and says are better than any turbonators. heres a link. what do yall think about this?
and one of those Dual Fan kits for the radiator, if they make one for this engine

Aric - My bad I meant do the cam last anyways. Would you say about 300 is a good price for these? As for the bigger injectors, would I have to buy those, or have some like made for my truck?

Adding this to the list
Dual Exhaust
410 Comp Cam
Delta-Cam pushrods
Clowes Timing Set
Transfer overhaul kit/chain (OK I stole them last 4, will they even work on my engine LOL?)

Do you have the SOHC? If you do the Delta-Cam pushrods will do you know good considering you don't have pushrods....

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see.....said i dont know. i just found those on someone elses list and added them kause they where in my price range, I dont know much about engines
