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spring options


Well-Known Member
January 6, 2000
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now in Raleigh,nc
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 sport 4.0 sohc
i have a d44 and a ford 9 inch out of an Early Bronco i am trying to decide what springs to use on the front axle, do i go coil like the bronco or leaf like i have seen a lot of people do on their second gen explorers

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and almost every one who goes leafs uses fullsize wagoneer leafs. I love mine.

Dude, just call rookie. Hes the one to talk to

when you start doin the swap ...P.M me maybe ill swing over and give a hand....

not sure exactly when i will start still trying to figure out what setup i am going to run. and then most important the location i am going to build it

bring it to my house, you can do it in the shop we did mine in. It has about everything you could ever want.

i might just have to take you up on that offer but i am going to see if i can build it at the grarge that i have worked at off and on for years

if its close enough ill help ya.....

thanks for everyone who has offered to help me but before i can start building i really need to know what springs i am going to run in the truck so i can start ordering all the parts that i need. so if any one who has done the swap let me know what there take on springs at this point i am just trying to decided if i want to run leaf or coil, not lift height or anything like that yet

thanks for everyone who has offered to help me but before i can start building i really need to know what springs i am going to run in the truck so i can start ordering all the parts that i need. so if any one who has done the swap let me know what there take on springs at this point i am just trying to decided if i want to run leaf or coil, not lift height or anything like that yet
Already been answered. ;)

A lot of the guys on here are using the wild horse 5.5 springs.

and almost every one who goes leafs uses fullsize wagoneer leafs. I love mine.

i was kinda looking for info from more people then just two people and if i go off that i am at the same point i was when i put the post up

I know there are more, but this was a quick list that I could think of.

Wild horses coils:

LD50 (in progress)
Joe93 (in progress)
mechanix (in progress)

Wagoneer Leaf springs.

Skunk (I believe)
Derrick C.

what about cherokee rear leafs up front?

I thought about that first, but I went with what I knew worked.
