Stock 96 fog housing HID retrofit | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stock 96 fog housing HID retrofit

So i had d2r bulbs and balasts laying arround and 2 blown foglight bulbs so i decided to retrofit the D2R sockets into my stock fog housings.

Here are the results










by the way I used the Reflectors and Sockets are from a 2002 Nissan Maxima that the bulbs and balasts came from :-D

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Looks kind of like red Xs to me... :)

Tried the link and it asks me to log in... try photobucket :p:

Sorry about the pics i will fix them when i get home :-D

Yay it works, i love having a smart phone!

Yup kinda crappy reflection and yea it was aiming down since the mounting brackets are broken so i now silliconed the lights to the bumper now aiming up a bit more :-D

laxattack said:
Yup kinda crappy reflection and yea it was aiming down since the mounting brackets are broken so i now silliconed the lights to the bumper now aiming up a bit more :-D

And also i took these pics with my phone too :-(

just an FYI you can get brand new depo fog lights on ebay for like 50 bucks or something, they come with everything, brackets, bulbs, harness.... I know the fog brackets on my friends 97 were really rusted and the bolts were rusted so bad they were stripping when I was trying to get them out...

Plus, every 95-98 I've seen has at least one totally black and crappy fog light, and one broken or missing one... Being that yours is a 96, I'm sure the fogs weren't in the best shape to start with, so it might not be a bad idea....

just sayin

Yea i know i just had the stuff lyin arround to do this and dont have anymore extra cash to to play arround with. When i do get more money then im doing an upgrade to the fog housing
