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Syncmyride website / what r they doing?

Agreed! A major fail for my $45k explorer. My friends $18k focus has apps...Ford screwed this up big time.

So its a couple months since I complained last and I still want AppLink in my MyFord Touch equipped vehicle. Not sure if Ford thinks we will just forget about the promises from their exec and support staff on here that it would be implemented "soon" , but if it doesn't happen I promise not to forget when I purchase my next non-ford vehicle.

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So its a couple months since I complained last and I still want AppLink in my MyFord Touch equipped vehicle. Not sure if Ford thinks we will just forget about the promises from their exec and support staff on here that it would be implemented "soon" , but if it doesn't happen I promise not to forget when I purchase my next non-ford vehicle.
I understand that there is an update coming out for the MFT later this year. Perhaps they will include AppLink in that. In the meantime, there don't appear to be too many owners upset about it not being there judging by the few posts on it.
Keep your fingers crossed. ;)


I understand that there is an update coming out for the MFT later this year. Perhaps they will include AppLink in that. In the meantime, there don't appear to be too many owners upset about it not being there judging by the few posts on it.
Keep your fingers crossed. ;)


You should be concerned about it because if you happen to ever come into the 21st century its all about smart phones and how they interface with our cars. I know I'd really enjoy having additional synergy between Pandora and MyFord touch among other apps. Toyota and other auto makers already have this functionality. Ford is behind because of their inability to make quality software the first time which would have given them time to improve it. All most owners are worried about is the stupid temperature display on the main screen. I mean cmon really, most people are just out of touch with what matters.

You should be concerned about it because if you happen to ever come into the 21st century its all about smart phones and how they interface with our cars. I know I'd really enjoy having additional synergy between Pandora and MyFord touch among other apps. Toyota and other auto makers already have this functionality. Ford is behind because of their inability to make quality software the first time which would have given them time to improve it. All most owners are worried about is the stupid temperature display on the main screen. I mean cmon really, most people are just out of touch with what matters.
I understand what you're saying but I like many others I know, don't need to be in touch with the world 24/7. What matters to some doesn't to others. I believe many carry this 'in touch' thing way too far. I have Internet, a Pay As You Go cell phone and home phone. When I'm away from home my phone is forwarded to my cell. I don't need anymore than that. When I'm home, my cell is turned off and my Internet is up all day. My monthly cell bill is $11.30 including tax. My 'built up' credit in unused minutes is over $370.
Besides I don't want to be continually interrupted when I'm relaxing and listening to my 8 track tapes on my quad stereo system. :)


You should be concerned about it because if you happen to ever come into the 21st century its all about smart phones and how they interface with our cars. I know I'd really enjoy having additional synergy between Pandora and MyFord touch among other apps. Toyota and other auto makers already have this functionality. Ford is behind because of their inability to make quality software the first time which would have given them time to improve it. All most owners are worried about is the stupid temperature display on the main screen. I mean cmon really, most people are just out of touch with what matters.

I understand your frustrations, but not having App Link isn't the end of the world. You can still use Pandora via Bluetooth in your vehicle. Would it be nice to control Pandora with voice commands or steering wheel controls? Of course it would, but to say people are out of touch with what matters is a little silly. Software updates don't happen overnight. It can takes months for development and testing. I'm sure Ford is working on the next update as we speak.

That's just my two cents!

So I guess I am going to try and revive this thread!!! I am attempting to log in to start using all of the MFT/sync features my 2011 explorer has however it will not allow me to do anything??? any ideas?

What happens when you try to log in to your account? Do get some kind of an error message. The only thing that your account will have is the latest updates to MFT. In your case your version should be 3.6.2. Syncmyride will provide an over view of the features available but it doesn't enable or disable them from what I can recall. If you go into the MFT and check the software version 3.6.2 shows as 4.30.13171_PRODUCT

