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TDS '08 Who's going?

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I've been to ocotillo a couple times and I think I can do a lot of the trails in that area. As far as Thaven not so sure. I looked into getting the lockright locker, but I think I'm gonna wait for my tax return before I get that. :) Should've bought the 4X4 when i had the chance..............

...Now, I just need to borrow a truck to get it home.........time to call my Brother.

If you need some help getting it, I can give you a hand. I get off from work around 3. Lemt me know.

If you need some help getting it, I can give you a hand. I get off from work around 3. Lemt me know.

I got it covered, using a small utility trailer from my cowboy buddies at the horse ranch.

Ok so who is acually coming?:confused: many have posted but not said they are coming.

I have...

Dannyboy (without truck)

Who else?:(

If I have the gas I wil be there on sat. night:thumbsup::D

As of right now I am planing on coming down since there's a skid plate I need to pick up...;)

Although I might need to borrow a seat if things start getting too crazy.:eek:

Maybe, Schmabie.................Lets go wheelin'

Trust me I do wanna go with truck in hand but only if I get my check or get a job all of a sudden.....pffft right:rolleyes::(

Truck is Running Again! :bounce:

hmmm, speaking of Dana 44s and getting trucks running, I decided to go grab Dustin's truck, since he's in Iraq and won't be using it. It needs a few things to get trailrready, but if I have time I might bring a rig afterall. night mode is a koo koo one on my camera, but I thought I'd share it anyway.


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I will deffinately be there with the jeep.:thumbsup::D

hmmm, speaking of Dana 44s and getting trucks running, I decided to go grab Dustin's truck, since he's in Iraq and won't be using it. It needs a few things to get trailrready, but if I have time I might bring a rig afterall. night mode is a koo koo one on my camera, but I thought I'd share it anyway.

So you "Borrowed" his rig under cover of darkness??:eek:

Rios, you coming out?:scratch:

Rios, you coming out?:scratch:

If I can, it would only be saturday roundtrip. I fly out sunday for work. Depends how my back is doing. You know how it is with us old dudes, we're a legend in our own minds. :D:p:

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sshhhhhhh! xnay on the ig borrowing ray:p:

No, we talk all the time, I'm pretty much managing his life back here, playing landlord, billpayer, have Power of Atty on his life. I also submitted an essay for a new TV show called Off Road Adventures TV and am a finalist for a build on his silverado. They basically do a "overhaulin" on a truck for someone with a good story. Based off the emails and phone calls, it's a done deal. He'll probably get a lift, wheels, tires, gears, plus some other cool add-ons and custom wrap.

Plus, those are my 37s on there, they've been on that truck for a year and a half so I think I can put a few miles on them and I'll even put my truckhaven tail lenses on there if I get it trail ready.
