Thats Officer Texplorer To You Pal!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Thats Officer Texplorer To You Pal!!


Explorer Addict
November 20, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Morgantown, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT 4x4 4.0
Well I just got the call today, I just got hired as a police officer here. I start protecting and serving in 2 weeks. Im pretty excited about it, I was about to kill myself at my current job.

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I was about to kill myself at my current job.

Careful, that kind of statement could have them redo your phsyc evaluation:D


Congratulations from another guy on the thin blue line. What dept. did you end up with? Local, County or State?

Congrats man!!!:thumbsup:

Just don't pull over any black Mach's with PA plates when they go by at Warp 6 :D.

I can finally tint my windows and have a ticket-signer-offer! Yes!! :D

Holy crap does Morgantown realize what they've just done?

Holy crap does Morgantown realize what they've just done?

Doubled the department IQ from 50 to 100 and tripled the # of teeth?


Doubled the department IQ from 50 to 100 and tripled the # of teeth?


I swear if they give you a Explorer or 4wd vehicle and you don't wheel it somewhere in WV I'm gonna spray you with CS then taser you and maybe I'll shoot you with my 45.


And watch out for the Mach I going by at Warp 6. :eek: He has headlight covers that I am not sure if they are legal. You can always confiscate them and send them to me for safe keeping. ;)


And watch out for the Mach I going by at Warp 6. :eek: He has headlight covers that I am not sure if they are legal. You can always confiscate them and send them to me for safe keeping. ;)




And watch out for the Mach I going by at Warp 6. :eek: He has headlight covers that I am not sure if they are legal. You can always confiscate them and send them to me for safe keeping. ;)

definately not legal.. I'll have to confiscate them.. I'll be up there to grab them soon enough..

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