Well now that Im Elite i figured Id start a thread to document my SAS build...
Cm isn't part of catt is it, the techs suck there.
Is that the Springfield where the Simpsons live? I really want that question answered.
Nicely Done. I would agree with Rick, its a bit on the edge. Some would say it's okay, but I would try to move the pinion to move it more to the center. Please keep us posted.
Im re-gearing mine as well - see my link to 1997 below and I have been beating my head against the wall to get it setup correctly. Instead of the nice 'brush smudge' on the marking paint, im getting a line, even with pressure. Im probably overthinking it...ugh!
I think i'm getting closer, .010 at a time.
First pass with the yellow paint, I have been using the dark blue for most of the setup because I have a larger quantity of the blue.
View attachment 168765 View attachment 168766
Let me know what everyone thinks. I haven't set anything in lock tight yet
Is it done yet?