The SoCal Crew | Page 36 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The SoCal Crew

TDG said:
heck, if someone were to come up here and dismount them, mount the 33s I have behind the house and leave a few franklins under the porch mat I probably wouldn't notice for at least a couple of months... been really busy with 'other' stuff but good 'other' stuff. :D

Really? :D Could you PM me how many of those franklins you'd like me to leave, if i we're to go and get the others mounted and balanced for ya ;) Just go easy on me....real easy :( I know you got them dirt cheap :D And it would be a few month till those franklins would be available, say April :(

I hope the "other" stuff is good ;)

So are we all on for the 28th in our cars :rolleyes:

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Stic-o said:
Really? :D Could you PM me how many of those franklins you'd like me to leave, if i we're to go and get the others mounted and balanced for ya ;) Just go easy on me....real easy :( I know you got them dirt cheap :D And it would be a few month till those franklins would be available, say April :(

I hope the "other" stuff is good ;)

So are we all on for the 28th in our cars :rolleyes:

Gotcha... I'm keeping the bead locks... and there are only 4.25 tires, the 5th one has a huge gash in the side wall that was patched from the inside but isn't good for much in my opinion.

Stuff is always good. :D


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TDG said:
heck, if someone were to come up here and dismount them, mount the 33s I have behind the house and leave a few franklins under the porch mat I probably wouldn't notice for at least a couple of months... been really busy with 'other' stuff but good 'other' stuff. :D
Finding out where TDG lives to switch out 35" XTerrains on to his Explorer... :D

Finding out where TDG lives to switch out 35" XTerrains on to his Explorer... :D

I'm sure Steve will sell you that information... :D (Right before he runs up here to swipe the tires for himself)

TDG said:
(Right before he runs up here to swipe the tires for himself)
You're probably right. What's the status of that thing. Why is it not joining us on wheelin' trips?

You're probably right. What's the status of that thing. Why is it not joining us on wheelin' trips?

Needs a tranny, tcase, driveshafts, some final welding and slight revision to the rear brakes.

Finding out where TDG lives to switch out 35" XTerrains on to his Explorer... :D

I know where he lives too. How much is it worth to ya? :D

Looks like I will be meeting with the Saab club in the morning/afternoon on the 28th, so dinner at Fudds that night sounds great.

Mike 92 XLT said:
I know where he lives too. How much is it worth to ya? :D

Looks like I will be meeting with the Saab club in the morning/afternoon on the 28th, so dinner at Fudds that night sounds great.

Mike! :nono: Be Careful there..or you could be drivin the G6 again :p

Mike 92 XLT said:
I know where he lives too. How much is it worth to ya? :D

Since when do you know where I live? :D

Josh: Yeah busy man... sorry I haven't returned your call from a few weeks ago.

TDG said:
Needs a tranny, tcase, driveshafts, some final welding and slight revision to the rear brakes.
...and just how long has it been needing these parts?

Mike, with that bumper on Steve's truck now I wouldn't get him too upset. I know you don't want to be driving another G6. :D

TDG said:
Josh: Yeah busy man... sorry I haven't returned your call from a few weeks ago.

It's all good dude, just makin sure ya don't hate me for still having your plasma ;) It's at my pops' place in orange and sound

...and just how long has it been needing these parts?

About a year and a half, I have the adaptors I need but unfortunatly family things have been consuming my time recently, hopefully I'll only be dealing with that stuff for another few months.

Josh: I forgot about that POS... Anyone want to buy a rinky dink plasma cutter, probably good to 1/4" if you pray over it first and put a fresh tip on it. :D

TDG said:
About a year and a half, I have the adaptors I need but unfortunatly family things have been consuming my time recently, hopefully I'll only be dealing with that stuff for another few months.

Josh: I forgot about that POS... Anyone want to buy a rinky dink plasma cutter, probably good to 1/4" if you pray over it first and put a fresh tip on it. :D

I've cut 1/4 with it before, just gotta finesse it :) ...For some reason I brought the tips and 220v custom TDG plug adapter up here, but the cutter is still down there. I bought some fresh tips and parts for it a while back. Wouldn't have been able to build my wheelwells w/o that damn thing :cool:

TDG said:
Since when do you know where I live? :D

Don't you worry about that. :D

Actually, I've been to your place once, but I'm sure I couldn't find it again to save my life. So Steve, your tires (and my car, apparently), should be safe.

TDG said:
Josh: I forgot about that POS... Anyone want to buy a rinky dink plasma cutter, probably good to 1/4" if you pray over it first and put a fresh tip on it. :D

Really? I'll go pick it up and borrow it for a little while :D My dad has been looking for one but he's been looking for one that will cut 5/8 or something :rolleyes: But if you wanted to get rid of it cheap, maybe we could work something out. But you should let me test drive it first :D

So we all still on for Sautrday? normal time? does everybody know how to get there? :rolleyes:

mmmmm...Fudds :D

Jefe said:
I'm in. 6pm then? Meet on the street-side entrance?

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In. This is the correct address, right?

221 N San Fernando Blvd
Burbank, CA 91502
