Truck of the Week JoshC 3/15/04 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck of the Week JoshC 3/15/04

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Way to go, Josh- Welcome to the club!!!! I still remember you coming up to Paragon and running your X through all the obstacles when it was practically bone stock, and the hilarious stories you and your pal Jamie had to tell us in the restaurant afterwards ;)

Thanks for doing what you doing what you do- I'm sure if Doug knew, he'd tell me to tell you the same thing and to say Congrats on TOTW too! :thumbsup:

That is one hell of a truck Josh! Thanks for fighting for us and come back safe!

Wow what an honor. Thanks for thinking of me while i'm over here in the arm pit of the world, haha!

A couple of updates on my truck, before i left country i added some steel to the frame for the steering box since i had problems with that. I also bought some Yukon axle shafts. Upgraded with the 297 ujoint. I think that's the one anyways. I've been pleased with my truck and i hope to get a few things done with it when i get back home.

I'm glad you were able to check in to see your truck as TOTW :D The SAS turned out great. I'm looking forward to seeing it in person some day.

Take care!

Originally posted by Rick
I'm looking forward to seeing it in person some day.
Maybe we'll head out to Truckhaven or Moab one of these days!!

I plan on buying a powerstroke and a trailer when i get back. I'm wanting to make it to Thaven really bad. Isn't that normally in January?

Yes, it's normally the 3rd weekend in January, but I think we're pushing it to the last weekend in January to accomodate Diffwhackdaddy's schedule.

nice job on the explorer....all i did when i saw the pics was shack my head an say thats just insaine....:chug:...i bow down, it looks awesome sitting up so high and the paint just is kick a**....sorry i'll stop drowling...

im proud of you man! on the truck and the service! be safe. get home soon!

I would've gone with a stronger axle in the front if I were you, but it's still a nice X, good job.

im proud of you man! on the truck and the service! be safe. get home soon!

Thanks Gabe! And you're welcome.

CLB, thanks for the compliments and you aren't the first one to tell me that.

hi i´m new on this page. how can i put my truck pic on tis page.
I´m from mexico and here is not comon see a explorer 4x4

Welcome to the site Antonio. To post a picture you can become an Elite Explorer and you can upload pictures directly to here or you can have another site host a picture, right click on the image, go to properties, copy the url of the picture and then in the reply part of a post you use the img button to help you post the picture.

This probably wouldn't be the best place to put a picture of your truck, but you could start your own thread to show us your truck.

What's the LOL for? :p

Thanks though!

JoshC said:
This probably wouldn't be the best place to put a picture of your truck, but you could start your own thread to show us your truck.
Sorry forgot to quote this... i just got a kick out of it anyway very nice truck i love you bumper i'm looking to get one sorta like that for my ranger

I was just being polite! :D

nice truck it looks just like mine but mine is stock i am looking into a sas and nice bumper too. :monkey:

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Thank you. I guess your's is the same color? I love this color, i think it looks good with the black.
