TRUCKHAVEN 2004!!! Jan 17-18 | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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TRUCKHAVEN 2004!!! Jan 17-18

Registered so far:

1. Rick & Char - plaque - 4
2. Bill Collins (RangerX) - 4
3. Paul Bredehoft 4
4. Jeff Glancy (Jefe) - plaque - 4
5. Joe Bunning (jobunn) - 2-3
6. Brian Kennedy (bkennedy) 4
7. Jamie Fortune (410Fortune) - plaque - 4
8. Andrew Reylek (blaine122300) - plaque - 3
9. John Glancy (Brother_of_Jefe) - Plaque - 4
10. David Barry (DB_1) - plaque - 3
11. Brian Wooten (Gopher) - 3
12. Mark Gatch (Felix) - plaque - 3
13. John Young (climbnkd2) - 3
14. Kevin McInchak (diffwhackdaddy) - plaques for '03 and '04
15. Jason Parrish (exploderpilot) - plaque - 2
16. Keven Cross (offroadkc) - plaque -
17. Brad King - plaque - 2
18. Ron Shah (Xplodor) - plaque - 3

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Originally posted by BKennedy
Don't forget to save your Christmas trees for the bonfire. And bring lots of firewood, its gonna be cold at night.

If there sufficient interest (or I just get a bug up my.. uhm..), and some money chipped in, I can fill the bed (8ft!) of the F250 with firewood and haul it in..

Would that be enough wood?

(answer better be.. NO!)


I'm interested and will kick in $20. Do you have a Paypal account to send to or should I just pay you at T-haven?


Originally posted by Rick
I'm interested and will kick in $20. Do you have a Paypal account to send to or should I just pay you at T-haven?

Pay me at t-haven. I may be able to find some free stuff around here..

I'll chip in $20 on some firewood!

It's go time....hahaha got alot of "fine tuning" to do in the next couple weeks to get ready......

Rick I will also FINALLY give you the $$$ for Eliteness, was planning on Moab but that didnt quite work out :)

Now I just gotta learn how to use my new Garmin 3600 (Xmas) hahahaha!!

I told my dad I wanted a GPS that will work in the truck and the boat in the ocean, well he got me the best damn x mas gift! Now I need a crash course in GPS and a mount for the truck!!! :)

Joshs? RangerX? we going to caravan to Thaven???
Just because I got GPS doesnt mean I know how to get there (or use it)

Sigh!******* Why do I live so far away??? Good news is there are plans in the works from a bunch of guys up here to make a 2005 Lower 48 trip and hit too many places to list. I am going on that one for sure.


I'm going, i'm going! I registered. (now if I only had 33's I could borrow) Who going down when? I may take friday off. I'd like to carvan down with some one.

Can't wait!:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Just don't know where the hell I'm sleepin!:D

Re: Alright,alright!

Originally posted by Stic-o
I'm going, i'm going! I registered. (now if I only had 33's I could borrow) Who going down when? I may take friday off. I'd like to carvan down with some one.

Can't wait!:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I'll be heading down there late thursday night if you take friday off and want to join me.

I'll be heading down there late thursday night if you take friday off and want to join me.

I'll let you know once we get a little closer. I'm thinking thursday night or friday morning. I don't want to sit in traffic.:rolleyes:

Waht kinda pie does everyone like?:p

Originally posted by tdavis

Would that be enough wood?

(answer better be.. NO!)


I don't think there's ever enough wood for

Originally posted by 410Fortune

Joshs? RangerX? we going to caravan to Thaven???
Just because I got GPS doesnt mean I know how to get there (or use it)

mmmmmmmm...i wasn't planning on going actually, but sheeit...maybe I'll end up making an appearance:D

when are you going out and coming back Jamie???



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I would love to go! Wheres California??? LOL! Is it near R.I.??? Can I still buy a Plaque???

I have some of my own firewood. If it looks like we are going to run out, we can just burn the firewood in the bed of Tom's truck, that would make a great bonfire!

Here's the plaque for this year. I lost my source for the old style. The size of these is 1.5" x 3".


  • plaque.jpg
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Will you be selling any stickers? My "Serious Explorations" sticker is ready to retire, and I'd like to replace it. Just wondeing...

Re: Stickers

Originally posted by Xplodor

Will you be selling any stickers? My "Serious Explorations" sticker is ready to retire, and I'd like to replace it. Just wondeing...

Yep, I'll be selling some stickers.

New Plaque eh? excellent!

2 weeks and counting.....lots of work to do....

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woo hoo, truckhaven time is almost apon us.

Well I just finished putting a new set of roters, pads and bearings in the D35 so the front end is ready.

I have my new rearend lying in pieces around the garage. The new gears are about half way installed. With that said it looks like I will have the same gear ratio front and rear. So I will have four wheel drive still.

Cant wait to see you all there.
