Solved - Understanding OBD2 PCMs, FORScan and Advanced tuning and how to | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Solved Understanding OBD2 PCMs, FORScan and Advanced tuning and how to

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Elite Explorer
February 6, 2016
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No. Alabama USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Blue Ex 4.0 SOHC
KAGG 3611 (CB)
I'm old enough that I learned how to drive in a 1954 F100 with 3 on the tree, a wore out clutch and a long wore out steering and suspension. I learned how to be a Mechanic and more working on '60s Classic Mustangs. Automobiles and trucks have changed a lot since them. Now I'm not old, old by any means, but I'm not 24 anymore either.
Last summer I used PontiSteve's online service to have PATS deleted from my 1999 Ranger PCM before I started messing around with the Ranger wiring. Cutting this, deleting that and the fact that I'm not using the Ranger column in my '54F100/99Ranger project.
But today, I have the 2002 on my mind and I want to delete PATS on it as well as another vehicle. And I might want to purchase junkyard PCMs from time to time out of 1998 and newer Fords. It would be handy with the proper tool kit to see if the donor PCM is good in the first place, delete PATS and perform other custom PCM tuning. Below is a picture of the tools that PontiSteve used to work on my Ranger PCM. I know that there is info deep somewhere here on the Explorer Forum but searches haven't produced good results. I also know that there is at least one or two of y'all on here capable of doing PCM manipulation. Below is a picture of Steve from Ocala's tools. In my limited knowledge of all of this, I can identify some of the components. The top left is a 12-volt power supply running at 13.2 volts. Next to it is a capable Laptop. Next a J2534 programming tool? of some sort. The bottom row is a PCM that is being worked with and the last piece or two looks like to me, a home-built interface box with cables plugged in to it. Now I will admit that I have very limited knowledge of how all of this works, so be patient with me as I learn and collect all of the neccesary pieces.
I have two power supply options one of which is a homemade 12-volt PS that Dad made back in his past days, and a 12-volt PS out of an old desktop PC. If my EE Dad was still alive, he would be up for the challenge, because if is electronic, he would want to know how it all works together. Here is the picture.

Feel free to help me along including links to 'how to' and equipment. I will be purchasing a new Laptop to do this so that I can do this at home or work and with the PCM in the vehicle or not. Thanks guys and gals.

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The J2534 is the pass through gateway device for the communication from the pcm to the laptop. Looks like he is using an emulator in the box. This is above my current skill set but I'd like to learn.

I'm old enough that I learned how to drive in a 1954 F100 with 3 on the tree, a wore out clutch and a long wore out steering and suspension. I learned how to be a Mechanic and more working on '60s Classic Mustangs. Automobiles and trucks have changed a lot since them. Now I'm not old, old by any means, but I'm not 24 anymore either.
Last summer I used PontiSteve's online service to have PATS deleted from my 1999 Ranger PCM before I started messing around with the Ranger wiring. Cutting this, deleting that and the fact that I'm not using the Ranger column in my '54F100/99Ranger project.
But today, I have the 2002 on my mind and I want to delete PATS on it as well as another vehicle. And I might want to purchase junkyard PCMs from time to time out of 1998 and newer Fords. It would be handy with the proper tool kit to see if the donor PCM is good in the first place, delete PATS and perform other custom PCM tuning. Below is a picture of the tools that PontiSteve used to work on my Ranger PCM. I know that there is info deep somewhere here on the Explorer Forum but searches haven't produced good results. I also know that there is at least one or two of y'all on here capable of doing PCM manipulation. Below is a picture of Steve from Ocala's tools. In my limited knowledge of all of this, I can identify some of the components. The top left is a 12-volt power supply running at 13.2 volts. Next to it is a capable Laptop. Next a J2534 programming tool? of some sort. The bottom row is a PCM that is being worked with and the last piece or two looks like to me, a home-built interface box with cables plugged in to it. Now I will admit that I have very limited knowledge of how all of this works, so be patient with me as I learn and collect all of the neccesary pieces.
I have two power supply options one of which is a homemade 12-volt PS that Dad made back in his past days, and a 12-volt PS out of an old desktop PC. If my EE Dad was still alive, he would be up for the challenge, because if is electronic, he would want to know how it all works together. Here is the picture.
View attachment 438527
Feel free to help me along including links to 'how to' and equipment. I will be purchasing a new Laptop to do this so that I can do this at home or work and with the PCM in the vehicle or not. Thanks guys and gals.
ok so here goes nothing, ill keep updating this post, but the red n grey programming tool reminds me of an autel- $$$$
what plugs jnto the jct box looks like one of thise drewtech ones also $$$ its mfr specific the jct box all it does is adspt the pins from the obd pins on the adapter to the pcm i think might be wrong theres also a sct flahser but that and the autel dont appear to be plugged in so he must be using just the drewtrch and the 12v ps

Mongoose Pro Ford is currently plugged in to the Laptop and the in the wood box I assume is a pirated under dash connector that is wired to an old PCM connector coming out of the left side pf the box. What then does the J2534 do then? Is that for IDS update use?

Mongoose Pro Ford is currently plugged in to the Laptop and the in the wood box I assume is a pirated under dash connector that is wired to an old PCM connector coming out of the left side pf the box. What then does the J2534 do then? Is that for IDS update use?
thsts my guess but im not 100% sure on whats in the box the autel isnt at least in that photo plugged in so i csnt say what its for since its more a general purpose reprogrammig snd diagnostic tool as opposed to mongoose

Is this $25- ELM dongle doing the same thing as the $500 Mongoose?
elm dongle.jpg

Elm dongle

@Fix4Dirt Thanks for the info and good eye noticing that the j2534 wasn't currently plugged in. All of everything that is plugged in currently may be for a PATS delete. A link below is a guy describing the J2535 and replacement PCM programming.
How to reprogram a Ford PCM
I have to go for now while the weather is good enough to do something outside. My driver is showing wire on one Wrangler and my Mountaineer that has been down 3 years now has 2 or 3 tires on it with some life left in them. I'm glad all the wheels on my Gen IIs match!

What then does the J2534 do then?
In the picture, it isn't connected to anything. It would allow you to use non Ford specific software to reflash the pcm. It is a gateway device to convert one protocol into another.

Is this $25- ELM dongle doing the same thing as the $500 Mongoose?
View attachment 438529
Elm dongle
i want to say yes sjnce they support the same stuff, and its judt an adapter, unless nongoode comes with s proprietary software thst is downloaded on the computer end but i csnt see how just the dongles would be different

@donalds @Mbrooks420 I'm starting to find and remember talking to donalds and mbrooks about this 4 years ago. A few of my mental hallways are still cluttered up a bit. FORScan, software to do something having to do with a lot of this. I will need guidance from you experienced guys as to what to download, purchase extended license etc. I will be working on OBDII 1998 to ~2005. Thanks for the help.

You don't need the extended license unless you're programming keys all the time if you have a laptop Forscan is free

I like the USB version

Waiting for other replies don't take my word for everything

@donalds @Mbrooks420 I'm starting to find and remember talking to donalds and mbrooks about this 4 years ago. A few of my mental hallways are still cluttered up a bit. Forscan, software to do something having to do with a lot of this. I will need guidance from you experienced guys as to what to download, purchase extended license etc. I will be working on OBDII 1998 to ~2005. Thanks for the help.
to program keys and run any "service procedure" exvept abs bleeding iirc and to do module customization you will need the ext license but its free in 2mo intervals and yes do like the usb version too but currently troubleshooting an issue where i cant write customizations to modules i can read etc but writing it doesnt seem to go through in workin on it though!

I use all of those functions on my forscan I don't understand why others are having so much problems I use windows 7 laptop version 2.25 of forscan I only need an extended license to program keys that's it

I'm not able to program anything to my car. the computer doesn't have that ability I don't think but I can run every test including the bleeding ABS pump test I can control every function of the GEM everything I don't understand

Maybe it's because I always use an older version and I always make sure it's a beta

I use all of those functions on my forscan I don't understand why others are having so much problems I use windows 7 laptop version 2.25 of forscan I only need an extended license to program keys that's it

I'm not able to program anything to my car. the computer doesn't have that ability I don't think but I can run every test including the bleeding ABS pump test I can control every function of the GEM everything I don't understand

Maybe it's because I always use an older version and I always make sure it's a beta
I think at version 2.3 is where everyone starts having the license issue.

I backed up the file a long time ago :)

At lunchtime, I found the FORScan site and looked around for a few minutes. I clicked the download button and it started downloading. I cancelled right after it started downloading. I want to check the system requirements of the PC and the wife's Laptop that she graciously lets me use. It is 7.5 years old and can't go mobile with it. The battery need replaced.
The extended license is $12- a year. FORScan even has a link to a recommended dongle for $34.99 free shipping.
gate vLinker FS OBD2 USB Adapter for for-Scan HS/MS-CAN Auto Switch

I'll order one Monday.
Around the middle of February, I'm going to my favorite junky junkyard where the prices are half as much as LKQ.
I need a Gen II right hand spindle 2wd complete, a right rear outside door handle and a tan drivers side seat belt or whatever color that it there.
ADDED: Also the left rear taillamp assy.
I will try to find a 2002 Sport Trac V-6 PCM or a 1999 Crown Vic PCM to experiment with. Also I need the underdash diagnostic port and a PCM connector so that I can do the work on a bench without involving a vehicle. I can work with it here right on the bar in the heated house and sitting down. It is only 4 or 5 wires from the diagnostic port to the PCM involved plus +positive And -negative power supply wires involved.

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uh oh. I think I just downloaded it. Where would it have put itself in my Laptop?
Edited: I found it. It is 15244 kb. Is that a large file?
I'm getting this message. What do I do next?
