want to paint truck..few questions though. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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want to paint truck..few questions though.

hey guys my 92 xlt is maroon in color and the rocker panels are starting to rust i want to get it painted either white or a silver metallic

i have 2 questions..

How is Macco's work? anyone heard anything about their service? i see their embassor paint service for 189...i know you get what you pay for thats why i ask, maybe its not a bad deal...i have no idea, thats why i ask.

would white paint and silver metallic paint be around the same price or would the metallic paint be alot higher?????

black and white are the cheapest paint...i think...

any help is apperiacted


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Just to let you know, to paint just one side of my truck (insurance warantee - long story) was $900. You truly get what you pay for. That work was done by a place which primarily does Porsches and BMWs and is indistinguishable from the factory paint. I had a buddy whose car was redone by MAACO and it is pretty obvious that it is a repaint. You can fix the rocker panels and get that part of the paint redone and have it look about 1000X better (assuming the rest of the paint is in good condition) then if you had the whole thing done by MAACO.



MAACO isn't know for their quality paint jobs. Unless you do all the body and prep work yourself, MAACO's paint job will look like s%@t. They usually just do a quick sand to rough the paint up and shoot it. Instead of removing all the trim to paint the vehicle, they just mask it off.

When you see the ads on tv for MAACO's specials, it's just for painting the vehicle. No sanding, bodywork, etc. If you have any dents or rust, they will just paint over it.

Mike's right. You get what you pay for, and MAACO is no bargain.

Your metalic paint shouldn't be that much more then white. Anymore all paint is expensive.

If you are going to keep your truck don't let Macco paint it. Find a shop that will take care of the rust and do it right. If you are going to put money into your truck have it look nice when you are done.


I would get other quotes. i agree with the others and say you get what you pay for. To paint my rockers and the doors under the strip of moulding they wanted $350-$400 for the grey that comes on some XLT's. i had this same place paint my front bumper (as seen in the link in my sig.) and they did a great job. i feel I got a fair deal. The bumper painting was $140 because they had to R&R the fog lights they said. Too bad you don;t like in IL or else I would highly recommend the place i delt with. The guy owns a 98 explorer eddie bauer and is meticulous about his work and likes doing custom jobs. one body shop turned me down when I asked about the bumper painting and the rocker painting because they didn't "deal with custom jobs".
oh well, their loss...

Quality=I-CAR shops

The shops that display the I-CAR symbol are your always your best bet for someone to refinish your vehicle.

This is the non-profit group which provides the training to the collosion repair industry.

The shops have the expertise and dedication to do the job right, (of course like anything, there are some losers who send their people, but don't practice what they learn, just like anything else).

Also, pick a shop that displays a rating from a major paint supplier.

For example PPG is now certifying shops that use their material and offering a paint warranty.

Just some things to consider.


Yup, the shop that did my work was I-Car Gold certified.

Is this the same Ketch from the Autopia forums? Welcome to the board! It will be great to have your knowledge and expertise here.



It's me!

Some of the boys up north asked me to check in here everyonce in a while.


$189 for a paint job , the paint and materials should cost more than that . I would be skeptical of any job on an X for under $1500 . Like you said you get what you pay for . ;)

all good points. one thing that you said isn't true. black is the most expensive. It is the hardest to work with. For my friends car it was going to cost $3K. Where gray or white was like $1500. Just thought you should know.

I had my truck repainted at Maaco 3 times in the past 4 months, not due to poor workmanships but due to off-road body damage and repair. I choose Maaco because I did not want to spend a lot of money when I knew that I would be doing a lot of heavy off-roading in the months to come.

Yes, I had my mechanic do a lot of pre prep work on the truck before it was taken in, but the paint job that they did was fine. They repainted over the same color (Black) and the cost was $620.00 for the first time. Each time that I took it back for a touch up it varyed in price due to the extent of the body damage, but it has never gone over the first $620.00 price. Now that I have fiberglass all the way around it is much easier to repair and then repaint.

Both Tom (Fakrwee) & Colin (Fenderguy) had their truck's repainted at the same Maaco shop that I did, and they were both please with the results. Each Maaco shop is a little different depending on the shop manager and how he run's his shop and the experience of his workers. We found this shop to be pretty good. It was refered to me by my brother who had his Explorer repainted their also.

Will probably have them repainted once a year at that price. Colin has posted his new paint job on a couple of threads in the last 2 days. You can see it on the one under suspension & lifts thread and then go to the post title "lifts", he went from the color white to gray. His cost more to repaint then Tom's & mine due to the color change.

Would black still be more expensive if the whole car was being done?

Yes, when using the same color, it is not necessary to reshoot the door jams, trunk and hood jams.

Changing color requires quite a bit of additional labor.

That is the reason for a quality color change job being more expensive, plus those that "really" do a job correct, take the time to insure that not only the outer, visual surfaces are preped correctly, but the aforementioned areas, as well.

