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welding axles


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January 25, 2006
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Is it safe to weld on an axle when it is fully assembled? I figure if you put the ground as close to what you are welding you would be ok. i just don't want to damage the new bearings or seals or anything.

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ya, you should be ok. It s preferable that you remove the carrier to get good penetration on the spider gears, as well as clean off any esidual oil that is on the gears before you weld.

Dont worry about putting the ground as close to the piece. I know that placing the ground as close to the piece being welded is the most logical but you'll find that most of the time, putting the ground anywhere on the axle will work. If you're worried about melting any seals, weld slowly -- as in weld on "valley", have a fan blow at the differential for 5-7 minutes so it cools off, and then go on to the next.

i know this wasnt clarified but if ur welding on shock mounts or perches to the housin then yes....

I haven't welded anything on my axle (yet), but know you need to be careful to not overheat the tube and cause it to warp..

sorry i didnt explain better. i am talking about welding my R/A mounts and perches and spring mounts to the axle. but i think someone said i would be ok.

yes as i sed its ok
