Went Muddin today PICTURES! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Went Muddin today PICTURES!


December 2, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Chandler, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XLT
So we needed some mud on our trucks so we went out in the forrest. Enough talking here are some pics, http://dana.ucc.nau.edu/~asc36/Muddin/

A couple pictures...




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Nice :)

Very nice, looks like alot of fun.

Yea it was real fun. There is TONS of mud around here right now

I camped up at the Cinders a couple weeks ago. Dang it was still COLD up there... The wind was really kicking.

Yea it SNOWED like a inch a couple days ago. The weather is really wierd. Its still pretty cold at night on the good days and feezing on the cold days.

Chew_12 said:
Yea it SNOWED like a inch a couple days ago. The weather is really wierd. Its still pretty cold at night on the good days and feezing on the cold days.

cold in AZ... who knew? ;)

That's some good mud. Would have never guessed for AZ.

very nice pics. I have gotten to hate mud. it gets everything dirty, and it breaks **** from going fast.

Nice!!! I did some offroading myself a few days ago.

very nice pics. I have gotten to hate mud. it gets everything dirty, and it breaks **** from going fast.

Ya, but how else are you going to have fun? :)
I did knock something lose in my right back drum, I can hardly stop :) But I know what it is and shouldnt take the long to fix.

Nice pics. Looks like fun.

oh, I agree that it's fun, just a pain in the butt. that's why I have a thread about my front axle having problems, high speed mud escapades!!
