Wharton NJ, Easy Trail Ride 1/29/11 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wharton NJ, Easy Trail Ride 1/29/11

I was thinking we would meet at the wawa around 9:30-10 and depart from there. I don't think I will be riding along, but I figure since I started the idea and thread I should atleast make it down to say hello and show my ugly mug. Besides, my son will get a kick out of seeing all the lifted trucks. Here is the address I have for the Wawa.
4 route 72, vincentown nj, 08088


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Good it's on a sat. now I can stay out late! haha. I'm in. 97 xlt 31's, rear locker

the wawa we met at last time i was down was the one on 206, by the 70/206 circle.

wherever works for me

and just so u can update the first post, wheelin 91 on 35s

and hunterdan of your comin for the meet time why not ride for the day?

just makin sure.

everytime im out with you jersey people its at a different wawa!

so which wawa im confused, and im wheelin a 98 on 31s. i may also be coming with a bronco on 31's or a Heep Cherokee on 36's

i gotta do both pinion seals apparntly pa killed them =p but should be good by then

I'm game. Not running a Ford anymore but hey, at least it's not a "common" 4x4 ;)

1990 Jeep Grand Wagoneer, No lift, Stock Size Muds.

I will be down just for the meet and greet part. I will have my son with me, and since he is still in a car seat, its a pain to move around. Plus, I would rather be the driver if he is in the car. My main reason for finding out what everyone was going to be wheeling was to make sure there were enough capable vehicles going so that JUST in case, there would be someone with a rig capable of pulling someone out. But it sounds like there are plenty of well modified trucks heading down. There is a lot more interest than I had originally thought.


Well if vehicle recovery is a problem, I know a guy with a 1971 Deuce and a half :D
With the vehicles that are going, I dont think vehicle recovery is going to be a problem.

I dont think you have to worry about vehical recovery, Just asked SuddenDeath;)


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we seem to manage the recovery thing quite well

plus the rangers are hunting the dueces

Rangers are hunting everything, my friend got his truck towed out of apple pie hill(which is now apparently off limits) during the day and it was his DD, a totally legal titan, not even his trail rig. apparently any tires taller than 35's are no longer allowed in Wharton either. And the part that i love best is that the eco nuts who are pushing to have wheeling shut down and causing all this don't even care about or spend the time in the outdoors like we do.

Maybe a clean up is in order to get back in the good graces of the rangers!~! . So bring the trash bags and gloves

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Maybe a clean up is in order to get back in the good graces of the rangers!~! . So bring the trash bags and gloves

I agree Brian! A few years ago, Boatbuilder, myself and a few others did a cleanup run and really impressed the rangers with how much we hauled out of there! We all loaded our explorers with bags of trash and loaded mattresses, TV's, and other big junk into a dodge ram that came along. We made two full loads like that and still wheeled most of the day and had a blast! We have to try our hardest to keep them on our side and keep the trails open!!!! Offroad parks are too far away for most of us and can be pricy too:thumbdwn:
