Where should I put interior neons?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where should I put interior neons??

I just got 2 10" neon bulbs and 2 15" neon bulbs for my 95 sport. 1 white and 1 blue of each size. i wanna do the 2 15" bulbs in the backseat area then the 2 10" in the front. where should i mount these so the bulbs wont really show, but u can still see the neon glow good? also i still need more tips for how to mount my switches. i got some metal switches that are kinda tough to switch, so i need something solid to mount these switches to. let me know thanks

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For the front, you can mount them under the dash. The easiest way is to zip tie them to someting on each end of the tube. In the back, under the seats there should be the wire mesh type stuff that holds the padding in, you can zip tie it to that. For the switch, I do not know about the 95's, but on my 94 there is a panel on the left side of the dash towards the very bottom that is flat. I mounted my switches there, I have pics at my home computer, but I am at work. I will try to post them later. But you can also mount it in the center console of somewhere else on the dash. Just my thoughts...

well i did them yesterday, put the 2 10" neons under the front dash and then the back 2 15" neons on the ceiling area by the coat hooks. look good and we mounted the switches custom by the cup holders. the 15" tubes in the back dont really give the effect i had wanted because we couldnt put them under the seats, but i still like em.

hey, you could put them under the seats. i would never consider putting them out like that just cause you can see the tube then, but if you like it, then stick with it.

i couldnt figure out how to mount them under my back seats because i have a 2 dr sport and the back floor area to mount them is uneven, and my seats fold down and may have crushed them

i mounted mine to the roof on the inside.... casts a nice glow...ti the back it replaced my rear dome light and in the front work in conjuction with the front regular bulbs

How did you guys mount the neons to the ceiling? (screws? what size?)
I had the underglow kit, but #1 i just did a 2 inch lift , and they weren't really bright on the street as it was, so now they'd be dimmer, and #2 one of my 4' tubes went out and i wont want to buy another one, so now i have 2 3 foot tubes and 1 4 foot tube, i was hoping to put a nice effect inside. any suggestions?

One thing i thought of was in my ceiling in the back using plexiglass to make a shield, mount my neons then the plexi over that so when it glows it'd make a cool effect- but will my ceiling hold that weight?


I mounted mine on the side ceilings next to the coat hooks using screws that came with the neons when i bought them. I got blue/white and it pretty much lights up the entire car with the 2 15" tubes. It wasnt what i was looking for originally, but its all good. keep in mind the streetglow tubes are REALLY bright, so if u just want some effects either get smaller tubes, or mount them maybe under the seats or somethin

when I put 2 15" in the back seat of my '95 XLT i just mounted them straight under the seat. you can get a part of the siding to screw into. it looks really good. for the switch, i put it under my steering column in the flip-down part that contains the electrical port. I rearranged the port and the the switch in that area, looks really smooth I think.

hey slick,
nice system you got there (bascially same as mine) - but did you keep ur door speakers stock? I went with JL's up front and kept stock in the rear- dont need any bass out of door speakers when you can pump out 150dB with the subs.

I can't put my neons under my back seat, they'll get crushed- 98 sport works differently. I might just mount them along the siding on my ceiling and if they're too bright i can buy that tube cover and make designs for effect.....good idea? let me know

Oh, and For_Power...
You're lucky i dont live in omaha!!!--->www.geocities.com/sk1er17

lol- but nice looking X anyways! (its a b*&$% to keep rims clean aint it?)

Hey, i just got infinity kappa 5x7s front and back, i need an amp for them, but they still sound better than stock. What kinda covers are you talking about for the neons? i'd definetly consider those too. and ya the rims are a B**ch to keep clean!

I could do a number of things to cover the neons... the cheapest and quickest thing to do would probably be the tubing that you buy for wires, like 3/4" or something so it would fit over the neon.
Another thing would be to make an encasement out of plexiglass- it'll absorb some of the light and disperse the rest.
(im full of ideas, let me know if you like any - or if you need an idea for something, i can probably cook sumthing up)

sk1er17: lol, nice X man.

I put my neons inside today. I had the underglow neons, they weren't really bright enough underneath and one tube broke- so i decided to put them inside...
2 3foot tubes along my ceiling...(im probably going to mount the 4 foot tube somewhere underneat the car still)...just wanted to let everyone know it looks awesome. The whole inside of the car glows nicely red= and looks awesome from outside.

One question though- one tube is brighter than the other... i used stock wiring for one tube and bought 18 guage wire for the otherone (didnt have enough length).. the one with the stock wiring is brighter...could it be coincidental or could the non-stock wiring cause it to be slightly dimmer? I put my neons inside today. I had the underglow neons, they weren't really bright enough underneath and one tube broke- so i decided to put them inside...
