White Face Instrument Cluster Install on a 99 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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White Face Instrument Cluster Install on a 99

BeauJ said:
I hate you Al :D , I've bid on 3 in the past two weeks and no one outbid me until the last 10 mins. Jerks :(

It was probably AL. :D Just kidding.

Edit: I ws just joking, I didn't know he really did.

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Gotta love sniping. :D

The white face gauges are awesome looking. What color does the numbers light up at night? Im assuming that the needles light up red at night to? That is what I am looking for. Also, can the milage be something that I could do myself without having to take it to the dealer?


corvetterules42 said:
you wouldnt happen to have the part # for that would you?

The one on the picture has already been sold and I don't remember the part number. I have one for sale now part number is:
3L2T-10849-LA (on the sticker)
1L5F-10C956-BA (on the back of the cluster)
I don't know wich one you are looking for.


Did you manage to get the milage set right? If you did it yourself, please tell me how you did it. I called a local Ford Dealer this afternoon concerning my new cluster and he said that they send Ford info such as the VIN number and the date the vehicle was made and Ford will set the correct milage on the new gauge and send it to the dealer. The dealer will then turn around and send the old cluster back to Ford. This sounds like a lot of trouble to me. So if you or anyone else can offer some suggestions, I would be very appreciative. Otherwise, I will have to send the cluster back to the person I bought it from or sell it myself.


mdriggan said:
Did you manage to get the milage set right? If you did it yourself, please tell me how you did it. I called a local Ford Dealer this afternoon concerning my new cluster and he said that they send Ford info such as the VIN number and the date the vehicle was made and Ford will set the correct milage on the new gauge and send it to the dealer. The dealer will then turn around and send the old cluster back to Ford. This sounds like a lot of trouble to me. So if you or anyone else can offer some suggestions, I would be very appreciative.

I have not yet done anything with the odometer. I wrote down the mileage on the old one and keep it in the glove box.

I do not think that you can adjust it yourself. I suggest you contact a speedometer shop and inquire. Please post what you find.

Good luck .....

you can adjust it your self and it is fairly easy..i wrote it into anotehr post in and explained exactly how to do it...
i should have taken pictures last time i did this so it can easily be shown...

To the top!

I finally installed mine today, added a new headlight switch while I had it apart.

Just a couple things with this cluster. Temperature seems a tad higher, voltmeter a little lower than the old cluster.

I love the new look, can't wait to take it out tonight! :D


i got my cluster from an 01 sprt from a u-pull it place for $14

anyone know how to rewire the new cluster from an 01 to match the light for a 96?? the door ajar, check engine and another i cant remember are switched. :confused:

looks awesome I have that same guage on my 01 sport but i wanna change the color inside of it I was thinking of like a blue color or yellow.

But it looks awesome on ur x

I have done this same mod on my 95, there are a few differences though. I couldn't just plug in the cluster, doing so tripped the gauges to just keep bouncing. I ended up just switching the actual faces of the clusters, I was able to keep the original mileage and lights. The only thing switched is the door adjar and check fuel cap. I also had to keep the original needles installed, the sport trac needles where a different weight and my cluster just didn't like them.

if you buy that, what color is it at night? the same ugly green?

They will work on a '95, but2isses- the gauges light up green. Didn't matter for me because I already swapped everything to green in my Ex, didn't like the blue. Second, you will have to modify some of your gauges- some of the gauges on your cluster have resistors on the back, and if not swapped, will peg as gmac said. The voltage gauge is totally different, and uses a different needle. The new orange needle will not fit on the '95 gauge, so you'll have to make do. I just recentered mine for when the car is running, I wanted the orange needles, was too hard to see the white on white for my tastes. IIRC I had to swap my fuel and temp gauges with my '95 cluster and use the needles for the '01 on them. I also used the back of my '95 Cluster with the entire pop out gauge clusters so the lighting would work right. Some of the idiot lights will not line up- I had to repin my CEL, and the door ajar has to be done yet- the 'check fuel cap' light illuminates right now with an open door. But- I love it- looks good, and so much easier to read.

Everything else is plug and play. Here is mine in my '95. I lucked out- wrecked '01 Sport at the boneyard- $10 ;)



i really like it, i just wouldnt know what im doing...where can you get that anyway

Dang that looks kewl, anyone that has done this mod have the cluster lights glow very dim, and do you know a fix?

Must be a characteristic of those white faced OEM clusters. I've transplanted the white overlays to my "black faced" cluster and don't have an issue with the lights being too dim.

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i dont think it is a characteristic of them i did mine over a year ago and mine arent dim at all. my only problem is that ever since i swapped mine my theft light hasnt worked.
