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"Will This Work"

Think this will work?

Last picture is Winter's new work-out equipment


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Nice! Where did you get those from?

Brian, rod end clamp's came from Icon Vehicle Dynamics's (formally Don-o-hue Racing).

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updated photo on a revised shock bracket. The rear shock bracket goes from this first make --

To this updated and final shock bracket that Winter made.


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Here a couple more pic--


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Oh snaps I didnt know bypasses were being used!

...I like the change of direction for ease of removal...:thumbsup:

...What thickness did that plate wind up being???...:scratch:

Paul B
love the project....very radical :D

btw not to sound like a smartass:rolleyes:... but i actually liked the first "double shear" shock mount a lot better then the second one (or is there a part missing on the second design?)
anyway: cool build....cant wait to see it finished:cool:

The three little birds perched by doorstep said ney IZwack, ney -- for they are air rams, not bypass shocks.
Thats even more amazing! Can't wait to see it go up and down :)

...I'm not going to say a thing..:p:

Paul B

btw not to sound like a smartass:rolleyes:... but i actually liked the first "double shear" shock mount a lot better then the second one (or is there a part missing on the second design?)

Stephan, no missing part, but like Tbar said, much easier to remove since they are so close together.

The three little birds perched by doorstep said ney IZwack, ney -- for they are air rams, not bypass shocks.
Thats even more amazing! Can't wait to see it go up and down :)

Though's 3 little bird's were right!:p: There will be two more up front also. I to can not wait to see them in action. Hopefully no more hi centering.

Paul B

btw not to sound like a smartass:rolleyes:... but i actually liked the first "double shear" shock mount a lot better then the second one (or is there a part missing on the second design?)

Stephan, no missing part, but like Tbar said, much easier to remove since they are so close together.
i guess i`m just from a different offroad world ;)
thinking about it i guess single shear is fine on a rockcrawler (i guess you have mainly slow shock speeds and you dont see the high G forces we see in the high speed compressions or jumps)

i guess i`m just from a different offroad world ;)
thinking about it i guess single shear is fine on a rockcrawler (i guess you have mainly slow shock speeds and you dont see the high G forces we see in the high speed compressions or jumps)

Single shear is not fine for a rock crawler. Let us know how long they last before the brackets rip off.

Yes yes -- but lets not forget, there are two devices that support the weight per corner.

Single shear is not fine for a rock crawler. Let us know how long they last before the brackets rip off.

LOL ..... IMHO a harsh post like that makes you look like a smartass ;)

but i agree: i personally would feel better when them nice big Kings would be supported by shear force and not relay on the bending strength of the bolt (or at least i would replace the 1/2" reducer bushings and run 5/8" bolts together with spacers that are welded to the base plate)

but hey...this is the internet: 5 peeps = 7 opinions :p:

Paul, i hear ya on the easy access.... on my cars there is usually so much stuff and everything is crowded so tight together that you have to remove the bypass shocks to access the pre-load ring on the coilovers :confused:....

a pain in the rear ... but at least after you finally set your ride height there is no need to remove them anymore

Hey Boys.....Paul was mistaken and what you see is only the first plate of much more to lock in each shock. I changed the direction of the bolt so when I valve I can just remove one and not both shocks. The other way I would have to pull the RAM and then the C/O not cool when in the field.:D

Hey Boys.....Paul was mistaken and what you see is only the first plate of much more to lock in each shock. I changed the direction of the bolt so when I valve I can just remove one and not both shocks. The other way I would have to pull the RAM and then the C/O not cool when in the field.:D

Cool :thumbsup:

ride in it? Hell I just want to wipe it down with a micro fiber cloth... its a work of art

There was a $100K+ Jeep Rubi in Moab with a air suspension all controlled by computer, that thing was just sickening!
You get off camber, the computer compensates......., you get up to speed, the computer lowers truck......it even had a pneumatic disconnect sway bar
it was uber sweet.
Can't wait to see this sucker in action

who needs an rti ramp to check articulation? We just use air pressure!! LOL

WOW! That is amazing. Keep it up!

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Hey 410 do you have any info/photo of the jeep with the air ride? I have been working on that same system and would love more info.....
