XplorerKid's 2wd Beast | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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XplorerKid's 2wd Beast

ton_e_montana said:
I like the work you put into that but don't like the wheels. Very skinny looking and top heavy rig. Go with 15x10's. Also, that much truck should be 4 wheel drive. Nice truck.

Working on it, ima agree with you on the width, you can ask anyone i talk to, i tell them how i hate it, If i was to keep it like this ide get some 15x10s.


i plan on buying a HP44 to swap in the front, and than get a 9" for the rear, and i plan to prolly run a 39x15x15 tire(still up for debate) but i know im definately gunna run soemthing wider than now, plus it will be FW so that will help. Ima SAS it now, and wait for the tranny to go before i go 4wd...

Thanks ton_e, will have to meet up some time

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Sounds like you gotta plan. I wanna go SOA/high steer on my CJ in the future but I won't til I find a front d44 or upgrade to a d44front/d60rear combo. I just installed 4" SUA and 1" heavy duty shackles on it. Runnin 35's for now. Always a work in progress. So you got rid of your CJ, eh?

Well, before I buy my tires and all, and you're talking about SAS's....how much you want for them and when are they coming off? :D P.S. Hurry and buy that d44. That's an awesome price.

nice nice ride...this is the first time ive been on the site since i went to school in august....i wish i had time to play with my expo sport on 33s... but i think tomrw im going to do alittle stuckage upgrade...new tow hooks and straps...cause its been downpouring the past 3 days ive been back and i really cant wait to get stuck again.....thats what sucks about being at school in charleston..no car...and no mudd...but how much does that thing suck on the highway..im scared to death in mine half the time...NICE though...NICE...but you know what..get one of those side steps just on the passenger side..girls get mad when they wear skirts...but make sure your in the car first if you want a surprise when they get in...haha JK ...but you know kids...haha

XplorerKid said:
Cause there will be lots of holes, When i put the camo on the rockers, i might take it off since it will cove the holes, but the skirts are growing on me, gives it a nice look, and helps hide the frame if you ask me...

All I did was put a piece of masking tape over each hole and then put on like 3 layers of herculiner. I couldn't even find where they were if my life depended on it now.

Caleb u *****, hurricane season is already starting (12 days wtf??) early, WFFT (watch for falling trees :D)

How ya been?


Drink much Nate?

Nah :p
At work, bored, hopped up on meds.

Ah, meds. Better than teh alcohol.

Nate1 said:
Caleb u *****, hurricane season is already starting (12 days wtf??) early, WFFT (watch for falling trees :D)

How ya been?

truck woulda alreDy been fxxxed monday if it wasnt for my dad, he called and woke me up and told me to move my truck, bout hour later some limbs fell from the pine tree, couldnt have crushed it, but woulda left some broken glass and nice dents...

does this rig just eat up front end parts ie ball joints and tie rods?

Should there be a lifted 2wd beast part 2? I have access to a 1998 2wd pretty beat to hell, but free is the key. So slowly fix it up and lift the hell out of one again? Id love to go sas and 4wd but with me being almost 25 now, not so xplorerkid anympre huh, money is a lot tighter and with working so much no time for offroad fun anyways. Just something I love about lifted 2ndgens.

And to any of the old timers that are still around, hope all of yall are still doing good.
