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j602's 2wd Beast

IFS 4wd.

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dang every midsize 4wd chevy makes/ made has had ifs :fart: :rolleyes: ....whens that one getting sased ???

Got a few updates. My transmission died, again. Surprize, surprize. So, I put in a "new" one. A 4wd one. :D Got a tranny and t-case from chillymoose, and put them in last week. I'm closer than ever to 4wd. Had to get a 4wd driveshaft to bolt up the the t-case. I also got my 2" tapered blocks in. The truck sits pretty much level now.

After blocks.


T-case and d-shaft.

D-shaft and blocks. You can see the improved pinion angle here.

Up next is probably to lengthen the rear shaft, maybe AAL's all around, hopefully new tires and rims, and gear the front to match, which means 4wd.

did you end up with a manual tcase? its looking pretty badass now

Thanks. Nah, I got a killer deal on the tranny/case combo and it was electric, so I went ahead and got it. By the time the front end is ready I should have a manual.

remove the motor, throw it on a hard surface(driveway or sidewalk works well) and take the metal gear out.... then all you have to do is reach under and engage 4wd by hand. thats what i do. no electrics, and alot cheaper than getting a manual case around here. sometimes you have to push a tire with your foot to rock the truck a little bit and then, "click"... you'll feel it go.

don't be dumb like me and weld the socket on backwards. but i dont even use the ratchet anyway. its easy enough to do it by hand and not hassle with a wrench.

I dont have that big bulky harmonic balancer thing on anymore either and i cant tell a difference. I think you have to remove it to get to the motor, and i was just to lazy to put mine back on.

hahaha whatever works, I have seen alot of manual shift e shift t cases to date, all of them use a different method

I vote skip the add a leafs, they ruin your ride way too stiff
Is that D shaft installed upside down, doesnt really matter if its not a double cardigan type

The AAL's would most likely be for the front. There's no front swaybar, so AAL's would stiffen the packs and provide less sway.

The d-shaft: The flanges are different on each end. It can only be installed one way.

Yeah, I know about shifting the t-case with pliars/and or by hand. I'll most likely just do that since I won't be using 4wd that often anyway. That's what my beater is for. Haha, yeah I didn't know why the fawk there was a huge balancer on there. It's not even bolted down tight, so I'll probably leave it off when I remove the motor.

Thanks for the heads up Aric.

Oh, and to the answer the question a few posts above: The Luv will be getting either Toy axles or a Chevy 44 and 12 bolt in the near future. :D

Fees are gonna kill you bro! Hope it sells high though, hit me up if you need a bail out bid. lol
