Let's see, what can I powdercoat today? | Page 38 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Let's see, what can I powdercoat today?

nissan wiper 1.jpg
nissan wiper 2.jpg
nissan wiper 3.jpg
I have been practicing with my powdercoating system. So, today I thought I'd coat the wipers on my Wife's Nissan--might as well hit the ones on the Mounty also--

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Oh wow the colors man the colors!

But on another note i knew i should have taken the 60 miles out of route and dropped in on the Smiths last night since i was pretty sure the green glow i saw last night was coming from his place. :p

Yeah, dangit. You never call me anymore-

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I took this outside and wow. I think I'm having a flashback.

So I took some pictures-I could keep going on and on,as it takes on a whole new appearance with every angle. God I am in love--




Without direct light though, it is black. Amazing.

Very cool, you need to patent that. LOL

Nice! That looks a whole lot better than it did on my truck! :D

It's not paint.

I know that it's powder coating which is baked on, but it's some form of a paint. Maybe Jon has a better explaination of what kind of catergory it could fit into. Jon, is this similar to the type of enamel they use on appliances, light switch plates, cast iron sinks, bath tubs, etc?

That's all good stuff, great ideas.

Very nice 2 tone! How did you do it? Was one side covered while the other side was being painted, and vice versa?

first the tank was coated with a "KL primer powder" and cured-
then a coat of black. Once it cooled I used 1/8" High temp tape to make the line, then built up until the desired black was covered. I heated the tank to 190 degrees, then shot the blue. The warm temp helps to achieve an even coat.

Then into the oven just long enough for the blue to start "flowing". The tape line will become visible
Once this happens you have to work fast to remove the tape. Once removed, back into the oven for a final cure.

VERY impressed with that upper intake Jon! I can't believe it! You are getting so good at this stuff!

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