Let's see, what can I powdercoat today? | Page 37 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Let's see, what can I powdercoat today?

nissan wiper 1.jpg
nissan wiper 2.jpg
nissan wiper 3.jpg
I have been practicing with my powdercoating system. So, today I thought I'd coat the wipers on my Wife's Nissan--might as well hit the ones on the Mounty also--

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Here's the reason for buying the Laser Blueberry

Thunderbird Supercoupe " Rasied "Supercharger Top
It has a 3/4" spacer welded to the bottom, and the air tube has been modded to accpept the new angle

Jewel grey matches the OEM perfectly, while the raised Laser blueberry letters and lines are a dead match for the Car's exterior.




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Thanks for the remarks. This is a very simple process really, the credit goes to the "bonded" quality in the metallic. This makes it flow evenly. I could have sprayed it on blindfolded to be honest. The clear mix helps the rainbow effect. That took me a while to figure out.

In any kind of shadow or darkness, this thing looks black. From about 8 feet away also, it looks black.

daaaaang jon, you sir have outdone yourself this time!! should make someone do a double take when they pop the hood :D

daaaaang jon, you sir have outdone yourself this time!! should make someone do a double take when they pop the hood :D

It's yours so you'd better like it.:D

Wow! :eek: Looks like the sticker machine at Pizza Hut! :p:

Oh wow the colors man the colors!

But on another note i knew i should have taken the 60 miles out of route and dropped in on the Smiths last night since i was pretty sure the green glow i saw last night was coming from his place. :p

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That's very nice! I once saw a Ford at the auto show many years ago that had mystic paint. The color changed at different angles depending upon how the light struck it. Is this similar in a way that it changes its color with the light, and the angle?
