Explorer Down Pipes and Corsa Exhaust Exclusively from Livernois Motorsports | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer Down Pipes and Corsa Exhaust Exclusively from Livernois Motorsports

Think my dealer will install it? LOL....

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Will this work on the NA motors (ltd) too?

He is correct. The exhaust systems are not compatible with the naturally aspirated engine platforms.

Thanks for helping out vteckiller2000


Any time!

question pertaining to the tuner and the cats for the downpipe...

I just picked up my sport yesterday and did the intake, now doing the tuner next. you guys obviously have your own tunes via the handheld device but I noticed that even you guys have a catted version of the downpipes on your car via the pics in post #1 .

does the handheld tuner have a provision to run a non catted downpipe, whether it be livernois or another manufacturer? I haven't had a tune done via a handheld in years but the last time I did there was a tab I believe on an sct handheld where this was able to be nulled out so that the vehicle did not get a cel for no prelim or secondary cats. I live in a municipality that does not do emissions as of yet.

This is great news! How is the work coming on the downpipes? Will you be offering the downpipes in an off-road (no cat) version?



question pertaining to the tuner and the cats for the downpipe...

I just picked up my sport yesterday and did the intake, now doing the tuner next. you guys obviously have your own tunes via the handheld device but I noticed that even you guys have a catted version of the downpipes on your car via the pics in post #1 .

does the handheld tuner have a provision to run a non catted downpipe, whether it be livernois or another manufacturer? I haven't had a tune done via a handheld in years but the last time I did there was a tab I believe on an sct handheld where this was able to be nulled out so that the vehicle did not get a cel for no prelim or secondary cats. I live in a municipality that does not do emissions as of yet.

We do offer custom tune files that are designed specifically to work with any style of down pipe, catted or non. At this time the tune updates are free of charge as well if you were to add additional upgrades after purchasing the tuner. Updates are very simple and can be downloaded via email.

This is great news! How is the work coming on the downpipes? Will you be offering the downpipes in an off-road (no cat) version?



We are currently awaiting delivery of our pre production set to verify fitment at this time. The down pipes will only be offered in the high flow catted version.

Cool. I called in today to order my tuner. You guys are quick with the shipping!

At any rate, my shop has an awd dyno too so I'll be able to get some numbers on the tune. Hopefully I'll be able to get my hands on a set of downpipes soon so I can test those too.

Cool. I called in today to order my tuner. You guys are quick with the shipping!

At any rate, my shop has an awd dyno too so I'll be able to get some numbers on the tune. Hopefully I'll be able to get my hands on a set of downpipes soon so I can test those too.

Thank you for your purchase and the kind words, they are greatly appreciated. Glad to hear we could be of assistance. Let us know how you like the tunes and I will keep everyone posted on the downpipes as more information becomes available.

Here are some additional pictures of the new cat back exhaust system





In stock and ready to ship today http://www.livernoismotorsports.com/products/2013%252b-Explorer-Sport-Corsa-Cat%252dBack-Exhaust.html
exhaust boxes.jpg


  • exhaust in box.jpg
    exhaust in box.jpg
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Its kinda like fishing, right?
Just throw out some pix's of shiny bits and watch 'em line up with their credit cards!

Or maybe "... fish in a barrel!"

New exhaust looks good, tho!!!

Ordered mine yesterday with black tips.

With downpipe:

Thank you very much vteckiller2000 for putting those links up. We plan on releasing some additional videos and information with just the cat back and no down pipes to give you guys some more examples of how it sounds and performs. With the developmental race tune we ran at the track the gains from the cat back alone were huge. We saw gains between 25-30 whp on the dyno after adding just the cat back.

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yeah.wanted to see that catback with black tips.
