Remote Start Long Range Antenna Mounting | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Remote Start Long Range Antenna Mounting


Well-Known Member
March 30, 2017
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City, State
South Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer XLT
Assuming one was not interested in the long range provided when mounting the DL3Z-15603-C long range remote start antenna on the windshield, has anyone left it behind the dash?

How bad , or how good did it work left behind the dash?

I am not really concerned with long range, I just need about 40' range from the front door to the Explorer.

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FYI, the OEM remote start has a range of about 300'. I've tried mine from 200'.


Hi Peter
And that OEM start antenna is under the dash. When my parts arrive I may first try leaving the antenna under the dash and see how well it works ( or doesn't) before I bother running the wire to the top of the windshield.

Well I left it in the dash. I just tested it at about 750', that was about as far as I could go on my street line of sight, and it worked. If you pull off the trim panel that the headlight switch is mounted on, there is an indentation in the plastic sub frame of the dashboard beneath it. It fit very nicely in that indentation. Brought the cable through the hole that the headlight switch wires come through, mounted the antenna in the indentation, then put the headlight switch trim panel back on.
No doubt that the windshield location would provided better range, but this is more than enough for what I need.

FYI, the OEM remote start has a range of about 300'. I've tried mine from 200'.

I'm amazed by that, mine gets 50 feet at best. Absolutely the worst factory remote start I've even seen. Considering that they buried the antenna down damn near the floor in the back of the console I'm not surprised. I'd love to hear anyone who has put some sort of a better antenna on the system, I'm pretty sure that would make a huge improvement

I just use my phone to start mine.

I just use my phone to start mine.
That;s find if you want to pay extra for that app, personally I don't. I would just like the system to work at least somewhat like it's supposed to, and a 50 foot range doesn't seem to be correct

That;s find if you want to pay extra for that app, personally I don't. I would just like the system to work at least somewhat like it's supposed to, and a 50 foot range doesn't seem to be correct
Doesn't cost a thing extra, came with my 19.
