Someone build something already !!! | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Someone build something already !!!

Ah good good, so no more of this.

Now I have to deal with the "4x4" dash lights blinking at me. I'll have to pull the bulbs or figure out how to get them to jive with the manual case.

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  • 064.jpg
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I'm trying out this fab'cation dealio
Its like a virus that will dig deep under your skin forcing you to slave away shaping various metals even in the hot dog days of summer.


Its like a virus that will dig deep under your skin forcing you to slave away shaping various metals even in the hot dog days of summer.


Instant gluing, and, fireworks. I love It!!

I am addicted, but the stuff is so heavy, y know?


I am addicted, but the stuff is so heavy, y know?
Yeah -- when I was working on the D60, I only built a stand (with no wheels) so I had to pick the axle up and move it everytime I had to weld. Well after a few weeks of that, my back was always dead in the morning and so finally I got a hint and built a rolling cradle.

This is my latest project.

Adding rubrails


But with that I did this.

And now have this.


Just waiting on the tubing to connect the rails to the cage.

Looks like you're a bit too late for those rub rails;):D

Your rig is sick FireZapper - cant wait to see it!

+1 for the KOH/crawler racing (time 4:30)


welp we havent built sh&^ around here yet, BUT we did up our wheeling experience about 10 fold!!!

hint hint



I love my wife so much, OMG!

welp we havent built sh&^ around here yet, BUT we did up our wheeling experience about 10 fold!!!

hint hint
Polaris RZR! The best side by side out there.

I should pile it all up, and snap a picture of all the stuff I have for the zuk - power steering, lockwrong (rear), DT axles for front, CJ springs, 31/10.50x15 TruXs MT's and wheels, bumpers (front/rear), and slider material.

I start on the front axle this weekend - damn hubs are loose! :eek:

RZR S sitting in my garage at home, unloaded it at 9 last night, OMG, sitting next to the BII.....waiting to be driven

Come on WEEKEND!! If we planned better we would be in Moab with this sucker this weekend....

Ranger S? Are you serious? like I said, I LOVE my wife...we have been looking at them for a year finally pulled the trigger

Great news for this thread and me, I will be building a windshield, top, light bar, bumpers, winch mount, spare tire mount, etc :)

So far I have driven it onto and off the trailer.......WOWee my wife took a 50 MPH corner at the dealer however... LOL


It is hard to contain my excitment at this point, its going to be a long Thurs and Fri!

You'll have a blast, I got to ride in a 150hp Black Widow one at the Polaris Tech facility in Wyoming, Mn last fall. Freaking crazy...

oh man thats nuts!!

This thing need some skid, some tube, a winch, some plastic, and some canvas before we worry about power adders :) We have watched the Youtube vids, we have seen the built Rzrs at the dealers, we have seen them on the trial....... we have been saving to buy this for over a year......I cannot friggin WAIT to take it trailing!!!

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Build something already.
I would but a slight lack of funds hinder my building projects.
