Show off your LIFTED 2nd GEN | Page 19 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Show off your LIFTED 2nd GEN

Lets see 'em


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wish i had a sport :p


explorinitup, what type of lift setup are you running?

Update, back after over a year. Full widths and 38's

explorinitup, what type of lift setup are you running?

im runnin tt, warror shackles, and body lift. my rear shocks come out of a tahoe. they suport like 300 lbs each with out moving :D and 35"i also have the hardest torsion bars that come in any expo

Update, back after over a year. Full widths and 38's

sweet truck.:thumbsup: that's what i'm planning on doing to mine after i get a new daily driver.

sports are the only way togo.

wrigley-those pics in your cardomain on page 5 are exactly what I am looking for. My quest for 35's has begun. I think I could fit them now in the rear, the fronts no way unless I only drove in a straight line.... Re: the pic of the blue sport with 38's, did he cut out the foglight holes in his bumper, looks good somewhat like what vroomzoomboom did to his.

techno-wild Limited. Nice, need a bumper and you are good to go. That truck was around $30k brand new. Who would have ever thought Limited's would get lifted and hit the trails back then.

97 xlt with more mods to come


  • 2010-04-18 08.04.50.jpg
    2010-04-18 08.04.50.jpg
    144.7 KB · Views: 4,476

What size are those KM2s?

so heres my sploder
204,x.. miles
no lift. just some not very good 31's
bout to put on some shackles and do a TT but wont do to much
oh yea, isnt limited slip diff awesome!!!






99 sport 3" body lift, Shackles 265 Mud terains smittybuilt bar and a homemade light bar


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nice sport man
