Seriously getting ready for an Expedition.. | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Seriously getting ready for an Expedition..

I like that Mini Kitchen from REI - and it is on sale right now. This, combined with a tailgate, should give plenty of counter top area, and still be nice and compact for travel.

I want to build a chuck box, but not sure if I will have time before the excursion.

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...:eek:...That looks like the executive model...:p:

...How do you plan to heat your shower water this trip???...:popcorn:

..:shifty_ey ..note to self, pick up a second aquatainer..(found cheaper at wally world)


I want to build a chuck box,

...I can build a chuck box easily but when I seen that mini kitchen I thought why? My thinking is, this suits the purpose pretty much of a chuck box and can sit anywhere in my trucks while the case has thick padding which protects it's contents and really protects a stove...I will probably pick one up this week.. ;)

...:eek:...That looks like the executive model...:p:

...How do you plan to heat your shower water this trip???...:popcorn:

Executive? Maybe. Large - as in non-claustrophobic? Absolutely.

Heat will come from a Zodi Extreme. (Picture below.) They work well - but I plan to modify/improve the sprayer.

..:shifty_ey ..note to self, pick up a second aquatainer..(found cheaper at wally world)

I don't like the press-in vent plugs. They tend to leak. Do be cautious about that.

...I can build a chuck box easily but when I seen that mini kitchen I thought why? My thinking is, this suits the purpose pretty much of a chuck box and can sit anywhere in my trucks while the case has thick padding which protects it's contents and really protects a stove...I will probably pick one up this week.. ;)

That's kind of what I am thinking, too. A chuck box is great, but, most likely it would end up being much bigger than really necessary. I'll probably get one of these, too.


  • zodi.jpeg
    11 KB · Views: 746

... Just a heads up... ....the mini kitchen is not on sale, itns on clearance... I just got the last
Posted via Mobile Device

... Just a heads up... ....the mini kitchen is not on sale, itns on clearance... I just got the last
Posted via Mobile Device

So, is it nice?

...It's really nice...:D

...a little heavier collapsed and awkward carrying than I thought when I was playing with the display model last week while shopping for the GoPro Hero HD 960 camera...

...I will post pics up later and my other item just came in the mail...:bounce:

I don't like the press-in vent plugs. They tend to leak. Do be cautious about that.

...Mine have screw on caps...:dunno:

...The new ones come with or without a paper oil filter looking water filter, accessory included...:scratch:

Where do you intend to find wireless broadband in the desert?

As for GPS, have you seen the DeLorme Earthmate Laptop GPS? Might be what you are looking for.

Speaking of GPS, I need to get desert map data for my Garmin 60CSx.

...I'm hoping Brian1 will jump in as he may have some answers...:D

...A few years ago wireless and cellphone coverage was expanded along the desert route to Vegas...My last trip out there I culd only get service on both ends of the Mojave road...:(

...I remember Thunderhorse having GPS maps on his laptop and was thinking about it for this trip..Maybe he or KenCooke can pop in here too with some insight...:D

...Thanks for the link, I'm checking on it today...

...A few years ago wireless and cellphone coverage was expanded along the desert route to Vegas...

There's something intrinsically wrong with wireless coverage out in the desert. We are supposed to be getting away from it all.

Not to mention that we could be tracked...:(

...You haven't watched "Track me if you can" on the Discovery channel...:popcorn:

...There are so many things we are bringing other than cell phones and laptops they can tack you with...Even if you leave your money and credit cards at home, they can now track you from your actual groceries and merchandise ...;)

...Not to mention if you don't think you are being watched on Federal land these days, you might be surprised..:eek:

...At least our vehicles are old enough not to have chips in them...:p:


...I'm hoping Brian1 will jump in as he may have some answers...:D

Sorry, Im not up to date on my GPS computer software for on the go. I used to use a Garmin GPS III and Topo USA on my laptop for GPS.

You may try the software here:

Not sure if Google Earth will sync with a GPS but that would be awesome to be running on the laptop with an air card.

On a recent trail run we came up to a dead end and a friend of mine had an Iphone. He pulled up Google Earth and it had our GPS location and we could see where we were and where we needed to be, that was very cool!

As far as cell service along Mojave road I have Verizon and it worked at most places. I was able to send some picture messages to friends while in the middle of no where and I even got a call at the start of the dry lake bed.

...On a recent trail run we came up to a dead end and a friend of mine had an Iphone. He pulled up Google Earth and it had our GPS location and we could see where we were and where we needed to be, that was very cool!...

Sure, that may be cool - but what happened to trial and error? You know, the fun of exploring?

Ted, what phone do you have? You can use MotionX (GPS) iphone app and pre-download the maps you want.

Then turn off the phone features and it will just act like a handheld GPS with waypoints, tracking and even audio prompting to keep you heading the right way.

For maps on the laptop, I have Topo USA, BUT I don't have a gps on the laptop since I use the iphone app for that now.


I have an early DeLorme software and GPS, It works well with Windows, but the GPS does go through batteries.
Dang but this sounds like a great trip, but in March I'll be back in Tennessee. Do take lots of pixs and do a write up.

...Thunderhorse...Keep an eye on ScottB's thread (link in first post) and I'm sure there will be plenty of stuff uploaded...maybe even some from the desert...Tell your boy to come join us if he's back in time...:salute:

...Maniak...My phone has a navigator program which is way better than my GPS in the Ranger...I just don't think it will work out there but will be one of the things I want to remember to test at Truckhaven...

...I also received my fridge parts in the mail today...(Info on first page)

...Ain't that the way it always works..Did you call them and ask them for your free 20' strap?..:p:

...I just got asked to do some work for a big Superbowl party..They asked if I also could rent/buy a cooler to haul/store some food for the party...Looks like my fridge is going to get to work off some of it's cost..:biggthump

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All the navigation apps I have seen included with phones require cell service with data and are for roads only. The one I mentioned lets you pre download topo or road maps and will work with no service.

