Be careful: "premium" and "Mach" head-units look identical | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Be careful: "premium" and "Mach" head-units look identical


December 1, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
San Ramon, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport
I purchased a complete "Mach" stereo upgrade (sub/amp, wiring harness, grill, head-unit with bad display- which I fixed thanks to this board, btw )from a fellow member. It all came from a 2000 limited supposedly. The sub wouldn't work. After double and triple checking wiring and voltages I decided it was the head unit and bought an Identical one of ebay. Both sellers claimed they were subwoofer head-units, and hey,,, you can see they have the 8 pins in connector 2.

Well, the second amp had no sub output either. Then I found a third unit locally, called the seller, and he said that I had to read the white tag on the bottom of the radio, and If it did not specifically say MACH, there would be no subwoofer output signal, even thought the pins are there.

Indeed, I met with him, plugged in his head unit and the sub worked brilliantly. Indeed, The other two radios said "prem" instead of "Mach" upon inspection. I suspect quite a few used radios on ebay listed as Mach units because the have subwoofer pins are actually only Premium Sound amps. You can't use the black heat-sink and the presence of pins in Block 2 as the only identifiers.

Now I gotta work with what has turned out to be two jerkoffs to get refunded.

Bottom line... for 1998-2000 head-units, insist on seeing a picture of the bottom of the chassis label to verify Mach status, or only deal with somebody trustworthy.

Scott T

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also check the part numbers. Usually there is a code at the end like CA or AF, in my investigation i thought the first letter was A-Audiophile, B-Premium, C-Basic (not 100%) since i never found a 'B'. But mine basic was CA and i got an Audiophile and it was AF, added the sub and it worked.

Now I gotta work with what has turned out to be two jerkoffs to get refunded.

or only deal with somebody trustworthy.

Scott T

i sure hope your not talking about the member on here.

Do the premium stereos also have the rds button like the Mach does? I bought a backup stereo awhile ago, and only checked for the rds button.

So, because you did not do YOUR research, you pulled a paypal claim? I hope paypal sees the response you get here.

And the sub didn't work, yet you told paypal it was smashed in shipping?

i would love to be able to look into his ebay account to see if he has done this in the past.

Could you get a 2000 Limited with either unit? Do they both have the rds button?

Listen guys, Blueka sold me what was supposedly the complete Mach setup from a 2000 Limited.... Head-unit/wiring harness/sub&amp.

Only after the sub doesn't work do I determine he has sent me a completely different head unit ... NOT a Mach unit, thus obviously not the head unit that originally was paired with the amp and sub.

While I was trying to figure out why the amp didn't work he blamed me for "sending too much voltage to it, or something"... he never once revealed that he was in error when he said it was the same amp as the sub came from.

I paid $200 for everything, and politely asked for a $50 credit for the bum radio. He offered $20, I chose to decline that and pursue a partial refund. I told Paypal it was poorly packed. and it was.

These are the facts. I am the one that wound up with $200 non-sub system. Obviously the seller is whining to somebody.


Why was the claim opened for poorly packaged/damaged, and not as described?

The fact is the sub/amp/box worked perfectly. The head unit that I charged you $20 for was to be used for parts only, as per the title of the advert.

So you now have all your money back and have kept all my equipment, which, you stated in your email to me that you had "Fixed".

So, you are not only a liar, you are also a thief.


Now it all makes sense...You should do what is right and send blueka the money for the parts you received. Its time to test your character...Will you do what's right?

Listen guys, Blueka sold me what was supposedly the complete Mach setup from a 2000 Limited.... Head-unit/wiring harness/sub&amp.

Only after the sub doesn't work do I determine he has sent me a completely different head unit ... NOT a Mach unit, thus obviously not the head unit that originally was paired with the amp and sub.

While I was trying to figure out why the amp didn't work he blamed me for "sending too much voltage to it, or something"... he never once revealed that he was in error when he said it was the same amp as the sub came from.

I paid $200 for everything, and politely asked for a $50 credit for the bum radio. He offered $20, I chose to decline that and pursue a partial refund. I told Paypal it was poorly packed. and it was.

These are the facts. I am the one that wound up with $200 non-sub system. Obviously the seller is whining to somebody.


you do realize he has sold more then one item here correct? you do realize he is very good with electronic wiring correct? do you also realize he is not whining but pissed at the fact you have taken all the items that you got, kept them, and now have also told some story to paypal? do you have any pics of how it was packed? doubt it. also, if you have any pm's, back your story up. he has a very good rep. and has been on here for a few years. you have 12 posts, and have been on for a month.

The head unit that I charged you $20 for was to be used for parts only, as per the title of the advert.

Wow. Can you file an appeal? If you can produce the original ad with his claim on here that everything else works, you might be able to have it reversed.

Si, I've dealt with Paypal claims before. Make sure you PHONE them, explain your side and send them a link to this discussion.

I'd like to point out that I NEVER sold it as a mach system, it was actually sold as "premium from a 2000 limited" and I have proof


I'll have my money back now, thankyou


Glad to hear. Sounded like he was trying to get something for nothing.

I'd like to point out that I NEVER sold it as a mach system, it was actually sold as "premium from a 2000 limited" and I have proof


I'll have my money back now, thankyou


:thumbsup: YEAAAAAAAAAAAAA! take that, stick it in your pipe, then stick the pipe, THEN smoke it!

I read this thread earlier and was too mad to reply.

Scott, you need to man up. Simon is a stand up guy and the proof is right there in black and white. He told you it was a premium unit before you bought it.

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