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1/4 Mile Run Times


no comments unless you have never raced anyone, ever, at any point in your life. Which we all know is a lie.

back OT though, awesome vid and I can't wait to get my tune! Still deciding on which company to go with but should be soon.

Ive moded BMW's and ran them to the ground. As long as you clear codes and shadow codes before dealer visits and unpairing the tune you will be good to go. BMW is hard pressed to void the warranty and they had no luck, this tune according to Ken clears all tuner codes so my assumption is you will have the same luck.

But if you do blow the motor and they ask you to pay dont be upset..... pay to play brother.

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wow thats crazy!!

What tires? hankooks??

what intake??

it would be nice to see the difference in ET between the 93 and ss tunes......curious to see what the 93 tune would do in cool weather....

if you have an engine failure...and remove the tune just before going to the dealer....using IDS, we can look at mode 9 data to see the number of key cycles since the last flash....at this point you will have very few key cycles...this indicates a flash was recently done...and is a sure sign of a tuning device... ford asks for this data when there is a peculiar engine failure....and ANY V6 ecoboost engine failure is peculiar.....!

i work at the dealer and have seen this exact thing happen.... (13 shelby 2000 mi, sent a rod thru the side of the engine) ford denied engine warranty based on mode 9 scan tool data.

BADAZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I was going to try and hold off on any of those drivetrain type mods till at least 3 years when the bumper to bumper warranty was up, but now you've got me itching bad. There's a 12 second pass in that sucker, and with 3 basic mods?! Damn!

We should setup a sticky for 1/4 mile times, so everyone can record their times and mods. I know there's not many explorer guys racing, but for the few of us who are, it's great to setup a standing to see the various setups, get an understanding of what's working best, and setting goals for where to go next. Planning on taking ours to Etown Friday evening for some bone stock passes to get the starting point.

Yes they are the all season tires. I'm running the Airaid intake. I modified the grille and airbox as you can see in my other thread so I'm basically getting a ram air straight through the grille now.

For anyone that missed it, Greg went 13.02!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Nice! Wish I would have waited and got the Lund tune...

Nice Job Greg! I knew yours would be fast, but not that fast! Hope to get mine to the track soon too. Livernois sent me a "high boost tune" I want to try out.

yeah, 12's are right there for you. You were cutting some pretty good 60's with street tires and a heavy vehicle. The SHO's seem to doing the same or worse in a lighter platform.

Great job!
What was the DA at the track?

I may have to come out to that track and give mine a few runs. Not many options here in NoVA.

Buddscreek in MD?

Congrats, man. You'll be tasting 12's any day now; must be a good feeling.

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I bet with the summer tire option you'd be in the 12's. Thanks for sharing!
