1999 EB 87f mach radio power unit | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1999 EB 87f mach radio power unit


February 11, 2018
Reaction score
City, State
St. Louis
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer Eddie Bauer
So, I pulled the display power unit, see attached images. It doesn't appear as if solder bled over for me, but there is a large amount of material on the top side. Obvious problems here the cleaning trill work for? Seeing if I can salvage this power unit so I have a backup for another radio I am procuring.

My EB has the CD player in armrest (missing cartridge though), and a sub in the rear.

If anybody has a working 87f, that'd save me the hassle! The whole goal is to make this appear stock as I work in sketch areas from time to time.

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I have a mach radio with all the functions working with the exception of the LED display. There is a fix for that if you feel the need. $30 and I will send it to you. Lmk

I have a mach radio with all the functions working with the exception of the LED display. There is a fix for that if you feel the need. $30 and I will send it to you. Lmk

I may take you up on that. I saw one thread about the link, but didn't give any images and I am a visual person.

Lots of the button lights are out on this one and the cdplayer is junk, Considering I don't have an aux input would like to at least be able to use cds. On another note I am tempted to rip out the disc changer, use the wires from that to rig up an aux input in the center console. Does anybody know if pulling out the changer will have any negative effects on the rest of the stereo?

There was a hard drive player from Kenwood which had the OEM Ford wiring connection, plugs in place of the stock CD changer. I forgot the name of it, but maybe a search might find one. They came as a 10GB to 30GB size I think, small, about 1/3 the size of the changer.

I also think there may be an adapter to use the changer input connection on the radio, to create an aux input. It's been ages since any of that has been discussed.

I have a 98 Limited which has an odd OEM radio in it, it has a CD player, no cassette, no RDS(clock), looks similar to the Mach etc. I've liked it but still want to repair my spare Mach radio to use in my spare truck. I'm not ready to let it go yet, but might soon.

There was a hard drive player from Kenwood which had the OEM Ford wiring connection, plugs in place of the stock CD changer. I forgot the name of it, but maybe a search might find one. They came as a 10GB to 30GB size I think, small, about 1/3 the size of the changer.

I also think there may be an adapter to use the changer input connection on the radio, to create an aux input. It's been ages since any of that has been discussed.

I have a 98 Limited which has an odd OEM radio in it, it has a CD player, no cassette, no RDS(clock), looks similar to the Mach etc. I've liked it but still want to repair my spare Mach radio to use in my spare truck. I'm not ready to let it go yet, but might soon.

I'm going to have to look into the hardrive and adaptor.

There was a hard drive player from Kenwood which had the OEM Ford wiring connection, plugs in place of the stock CD changer. I forgot the name of it, but maybe a search might find one. They came as a 10GB to 30GB size I think, small, about 1/3 the size of the changer.

I also think there may be an adapter to use the changer input connection on the radio, to create an aux input. It's been ages since any of that has been discussed.

I have a 98 Limited which has an odd OEM radio in it, it has a CD player, no cassette, no RDS(clock), looks similar to the Mach etc. I've liked it but still want to repair my spare Mach radio to use in my spare truck. I'm not ready to let it go yet, but might soon.

Can you recall any further details on either the aux or hard drive?

Pulled my power unit for practice.... what it looks like is on the first post. Thoughts?

Pulled my power unit for practice.... what it looks like is on the first post. Thoughts?
I can see discoloration (due to overheat), and at least one resistor which desoldered itself -- sitting askew, behind the IC, next to your thump.

My EB has the CD player in armrest (missing cartridge though), and a sub in the rear.

I have some extra cartridges if you are interested...

I have some extra cartridges if you are interested...
I'll consider that, but am thinking I would prefer to rip it out if I can find more info a out the aforementioned hardrive or figure out how to wire an aux input into the harness.

Not even sure the changer would work, it is full of French fries and change (former owner was a slob)

Can you recall any further details on either the aux or hard drive?

That Kenwood device I mentioned is called a Music Keg, here's a link to a NOS version(not Ford plug and play);Kenwood Phatnoise Music Keg KHD-CX910 DMS Digital Media Player Storage 20GB | eBay

I searched for a bit and found several examples, all but that one used, but none were the Ford version. I have one somewhere I got tens years back, but don't know where it is quickly. I hunted for a while then to find the version which will take the factory changer cable. Look at that eBay link I gave, it has pictures, one shows the normal connections. Those are made for multiple cable connections, separate power, signal outputs etc. I don't know if those could be adapted, I suggest not messing with those. The only version worth having would have just one connection into it, the exact match to our Pioneer decks(Mach,Premium), just a small rectangular maybe 8-10 wires connector.

It would be easier to find some adapter cable to replace the changer cable, and create an aux input of some kind. It's also been ages since those posts were on the forum. There were choices to buy a cable that had an input for say a USB connection, maybe an iPod, I cannot remember.
