2013 PIU, Ford says can't change PTU fluid? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 PIU, Ford says can't change PTU fluid?


October 29, 2017
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2013 PIU
Just dropped off my 2013 to have the rear toe links replaced under the recall and requested that they also change the PTU fluid as it wasn't done with the last transmission flush. The service advisor just called to say they can't change the fluid as there's no drain and fill plug. Is this true or do they just not want to do the job?

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There is a YouTube video out there showing how it can be done through the filler hose. The dealer would just need to suction out the old fluid. Also there is a lot of information on here about members who have done theirs as well. For your dealer to say it can't be done is probably because they're under the mindset of "oil for life". Maybe call another dealer if possible? Or a reputable service company that could maybe be familiar with the process?

The procedure for units with and without a drain plug is right in the service manual which is obviously available to the dealer. Sounds like incompetence to me.

They sent me a screenshot of the service notes saying the fluid should never be replaced, even with 195k miles I have on it. After speaking with a few more advisors he said they needed special order parts and it would be $757 to drain and replace the fluid. :censored: Guess I'll let it be.


The fluid is not lifetime fluid. This has been discussed many times. 195,000 miles - change it!

Edit- BTW not at that dealer with that price....jeez. They don't know what they are doing.

The WSM says absolutely not to change it UNLESS the PTU fluid has been contaminated.

The WSM is also WRONG.

Everything Jason said is correct.

The WSM says absolutely not to change it UNLESS the PTU fluid has been contaminated.

The WSM is also WRONG.

Everything Jason said is correct.
Any chance the setup on a PIU is different?:dunno:


There are PTUs that trigger a message to change the fluid, but I don't believe it's dependent upon the status of being a PIU. In another thread I'm pretty sure we compared all the different PTU combinations---primarily surrounding those that have better cooling and specific drain holes, etc.

The fluid is not lifetime fluid. This has been discussed many times. 195,000 miles - change it!

Edit- BTW not at that dealer with that price....jeez. They don't know what they are doing.

That probably depends on the definition of "lifetime", and I'm guessing Ford's definition is substantially shorter than most reasonable people would think it means.

Maybe it's because the lifetime of a vehicle will be substantially shortened by following most manufacturers' recommended service intervals, or lack thereof.

They sent me a screenshot of the service notes saying the fluid should never be replaced, even with 195k miles I have on it. After speaking with a few more advisors he said they needed special order parts and it would be $757 to drain and replace the fluid. :censored: Guess I'll let it be.

View attachment 159231

From that screenshot, it sounds like the PTU with cooler will have a drain plug. I'm pretty sure all PIUs (and only the PIUs) have the cooled PTUs. Either the dealer's service department is extremely incompetent, or Ford's documentation is bad. From what all you've described, I wouldn't let that particular dealer shop anywhere near my vehicle.

For reference, I checked AllData and came up with this procedure for my 2013 PIU. See the attached PDF. The suction device refrenced is on amazon OTC 2359 for $27 and the sealant is Permatex Great Stuff.

I know I need to do it since it's got 94K on it and was fleet maintained before I bought it, so who knows if anyone has touched the PTU.

My other half just got home and it looks like I DO have a drain plug. Small miracles but...looks like something is leaking down there, like right around the PTU.


  • Power Transfer Unit (PTU) Draining and Filling (Transfer Case) - ALLDATA Repair.pdf
    503.2 KB · Views: 244

It appears the PTU IS leaking from the seal. I can't see a vent but I do see a drain. See the attached pics. This also just happened recently because I had a service not too long ago and all was good.


AllData on how to fix it...


  • Cover Seal (Seals and Gaskets) - ALLDATA Repair.pdf
    222.5 KB · Views: 134
  • Intermediate Shaft Seal and Deflector (Seals and Gaskets) - ALLDATA Repair.pdf
    511.3 KB · Views: 111
  • Leakage Inspection (Transfer Case) - ALLDATA Repair.pdf
    322.3 KB · Views: 148
  • Symptom Chart (Transfer Case) - ALLDATA Repair.pdf
    128 KB · Views: 158

The more I look at these pictures, the less I think it's the PTU. I mean, that's a LOT of fluid and it looks like oil and goes way back, no? It's not slung up either. Note above the shaft is dry. When my other half gets back from errands, I'm going to jack it up and take a better look. I could only see so much by schooching under while the engine was still cooking hot.
