2013 Truckhaven Rock Run Oct 25th-27th | Page 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 Truckhaven Rock Run Oct 25th-27th

Potluck started out as you would have whatever you were eating for your main meal and people would just have side dishes, desserts, chips and whatnot. Then those RV types would make fancy dishes and such making us tenters look bad:p:

Don't feel bad for whatever you bring or nothing at all, we've ALWAYS had more than enough for everyone. Subway works for me too, I usually grab a sandwich for lunch at the Red Earth casino/travel center just up the road from T-haven. You can also check out the woopow paint job we did while your there lol.


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Are you guys going to be able to make this #Truckhaven run?

I think we can make it. I am back in San Diego. I thought I was going to have more time to get the SAS in since I haven't even ordered parts yet.

Hopefully all this work has been helping out your SAS fund :D

Looks like I'm out. Giant motorsports left my buddy hanging so instead of. Built ex he is slapping some bolt-ons on his 79 f150 he was building as cruiser. So we'll be sticking to the more open areas.

Going to try hard to make this. I've got another camping trip planned early November so I just need to set enough $$ aside.

I also vote for dust to glory at the EF drive in!

x2 to Dust to Glory. That would be cool :burnout:

Any of the original Star Wars movies:D Might pick up the latest KOH vid at the Expo, I can bring it if everyone's interested.

Any of the original Star Wars movies:D Might pick up the latest KOH vid at the Expo, I can bring it if everyone's interested.

I have the VHS version so we can watch the original versions.. you know.. the HAN Shoots first version..

I could just bring out a VCR with me.. Yes, I still have one, for the sole purpose of watching the ORIGINAL version of Starwars episodes 4 & 5.


LOL, I have a desert racing video on VHS that's still in the wrapper and I've never seen it cause it's VHS! HAHAHA, I've heard the opening or ending scene of it is pretty badass. Just raw, unedited no music so all you hear is the engine in cab wideopen shot of Curt Leduc in one of his old trophy trucks for like 5 minutes doing 100+mph. Just what I've heard though, lol, like I said, I've never actually been able to watch it.

2 questions:

Who has that bobbed "mechanical devision" Navajo on the first page? I've seen him drive around my town.

And does anyone have an open seat? I'll probably drive out without the rig

I always have empty seats. Your welcome to ride along.. Just don't roll me, it's not my turn. :)


Ditto, it's likely to be me and my dog so should have room.

Always open seats RJ, not running with the big dogs, but you're more then welcome to ride along with me.

..Are you interested in going n the "Not so Big Dogs" run on Saturday?


..Don't forget to post up in Chars thread on what food you can contribute to the very informal, Potluck dinner on Saturday..:D

..And don't forget to bring out your stuff for sale or trade this trip..:biggthump

..Rick...Are we going to have a raffle on this run?

..I have a few items RangerX contributed before he sailed off to the Islands such as stickers, haynes book and a few other goodies that would be perfect for a raffle...I just need to start digging stuff out of the piles..:D


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