2023 Lincoln Reserve Ordered (HOLD ORDER?) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2023 Lincoln Reserve Ordered (HOLD ORDER?)


Elite Explorer
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December 28, 2010
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Russell, Ontario (Ottawa area)
Year, Model & Trim Level
2023 Aviator Reserve 201A
Well, I broke down and ordered a 2023 Aviator Reserve 201A in Silver Radiance with the illumination package. I still have almost a year left on my current 2020 Aviator but thought I'd get in the 'Order' line. With only 8800 km (5500 mi.) on mine, the dealer is anxious to get it back for resale.
I'm guessing likely late January or early February delivery. Not in a rush. Because Lincoln Canada has no lease details available, the final price of the new one can not be determined. However, if I'm not happy with the deal in the end, I can just walk away from it and still have time to look at something else. Back to an Explorer perhaps.


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Congrats on the new purchase........You will likely get top dollar for yours they are usually such low mileage and showroom conditions people will line up to buy a used vehicle like yours!

Im waiting for some more info on the the 24 ST before I place my order....

Well, I broke down and ordered a 2023 Aviator Reserve 201A in Silver Radiance with the illumination package. I still have almost a year left on my current 2020 Aviator but thought I'd get in the 'Order' line. With only 8800 km (5500 mi.) on mine, the dealer is anxious to get it back for resale.
I'm guessing likely late January or early February delivery. Not in a rush. Because Lincoln Canada has no lease details available, the final price of the new one can not be determined. However, if I'm not happy with the deal in the end, I can just walk away from it and still have time to look at something else. Back to an Explorer perhaps.

Have you ben satisfied with the lease programs from Ford/Lincoln? I'm losing my company car next year. But they are giving me a monthly stipend as long as the vehicle is 4 years old or newer so I was considering trading in my '17 Platinum a four year lease on a '24 Aviator or Platinum.

Have you ben satisfied with the lease programs from Ford/Lincoln? I'm losing my company car next year. But they are giving me a monthly stipend as long as the vehicle is 4 years old or newer so I was considering trading in my '17 Platinum a four year lease on a '24 Aviator or Platinum.
Let's put it this way. The 2023 will be my 5th Ford/Lincoln lease and 8th overall. I have been very happy with the leases and my dealership.
I recommend reading up on leases to see if it's the right way to go for you, especially if you put a lot of miles on one. My biggest concern is always the interest rate every time I start a new lease. This year it is currently 5.49% here in Canada. I can reduce it by a maximum of 1.5% with multiple refundable security deposits. I did it with the 2017 Platinum I had. I put $8000 down and when I changed to the Aviator, I had the dealer apply that $8000 as a downpayment on it. Since I am a very low mileage driver, I have never gone to the end of a 4 years lease. The dealer is always ready to do something after 3 years.

Let's put it this way. The 2023 will be my 5th Ford/Lincoln lease and 8th overall. I have been very happy with the leases and my dealership.
I recommend reading up on leases to see if it's the right way to go for you, especially if you put a lot of miles on one. My biggest concern is always the interest rate every time I start a new lease. This year it is currently 5.49% here in Canada. I can reduce it by a maximum of 1.5% with multiple refundable security deposits. I did it with the 2017 Platinum I had. I put $8000 down and when I changed to the Aviator, I had the dealer apply that $8000 as a downpayment on it. Since I am a very low mileage driver, I have never gone to the end of a 4 years lease. The dealer is always ready to do something after 3 years.
I'm in sales, but this year my territory was reduced to the metro area instead of the entire Mid-South so I'm driving no more than an hour, maybe two a day. So that's why the lease now makes more sense for me. Right now a fully loaded Platinum on a 48 month 18k mile lease, factoring my stipend and net trade in, actually has me spending less out of pocket on a vehicle than I am now. The tricky part is the mileage as my territory or life circumstance can obviously change in the next four years.

Thanks for the info.

After 5 months I finally received a Build Date of April 5th for my Aviator Reserve 201A. :bounce:
Delete credits for Enhanced Security System LTE and the Foot-Activated Liftgate Delete.


After 5 months I finally received a Build Date of April 5th for my Aviator Reserve 201A. :bounce:
Delete credits for Enhanced Security System LTE and the Foot-Activated Liftgate Delete.

Why not wait a bit and see if the shortages subside and all those features are back in the regular build?

Why not wait a bit and see if the shortages subside and all those features are back in the regular build?
It took 5 months to get to this stage. I only have 6 months left on the lease of my 2020 Aviator. In order for the dealer to buy the 2020 from the manufacturer, it has to be done 3 months prior to lease end, otherwise the vehicle has to be returned to Ford/Lincoln. The dealer plans to ship it south. The only item I'll miss is the foot-activated liftgate but it's not a deal breaker.


I just read this on the Lincoln forum. It is a quote from one of the member's dealerships. Haven't been able to verify it yet.

"There is currently a delivery hold on all aviators right now. They have stopped all shipments until it is resolved. It is nothing safety related just a software issue but the factory won’t raise the hold until the vehicle is 100% perfect. We should know more in a week or two and Lincoln will reach out to you once they have an update on the ETA."

I wonder if it has to do with the rear camera issue? :dunno:


I just read this on the Lincoln forum. It is a quote from one of the member's dealerships. Haven't been able to verify it yet.

"There is currently a delivery hold on all aviators right now. They have stopped all shipments until it is resolved. It is nothing safety related just a software issue but the factory won’t raise the hold until the vehicle is 100% perfect. We should know more in a week or two and Lincoln will reach out to you once they have an update on the ETA."

I wonder if it has to do with the rear camera issue? :dunno:

Dang that sucks hope you'll get lucky and won't have your postponed.

I just bought a 2023 Explorer... the salesman called me and told me that i was lucky, they have a stop sell order on explorers that came out a few days later and it was tied to the recall on the rear camera.

I just bought a 2023 Explorer... the salesman called me and told me that i was lucky, they have a stop sell order on explorers that came out a few days later and it was tied to the recall on the rear camera.
Thanks for confirming this Bob. I thought it may also apply to the Explorer if indeed is was for the camera issue.:thumbsup:


Same here for my 2023 Explorer ST order. In production“/blend date was May 1, according to my dealer it was built on May 2, then it was placed on a “scheduled hold” and moved to a holding yard on May 2nd, so still shows “in production” since build hasn’t been completed.

They have no ETA on when it will be completed, etc.

I reached out to a friend at CAP he said there are currently around 9K units sitting with STOP SHIP/HOLD orders due to 360 degree camera shortages. They are running out of holding areas so a temp shut down may be coming shortly.

I spoke with my dealership's manager and he mentioned that they are not allowed to sell what they have in stock nor are they allowed to take trade-ins if they are subject to the recall. What a mess. I haven't even had the issue with my camera.


Although the Order Tracker still shows "In Production", I received an email from my Lincoln Client Services Manager today saying it has been "Produced". I wonder if that means it now gets to join the other 9,000+ vehicles sitting in various lots awaiting a final resolution to Recall 23S02?
ETA still shows June 12th. 🤣


I reached out to a friend at CAP he said there are currently around 9K units sitting with STOP SHIP/HOLD orders due to 360 degree camera shortages. They are running out of holding areas so a temp shut down may be coming shortly.
Have you heard anything about the production line being idled? I just read a post in the Lincoln forum that a prospective buyer was told by the salesman that the line has been idled until the fix is found and then those vehicles on the line will receive priority over the 9,000+ sitting on the lots in order to get production moving again.


Was given a new ETA today. Moved from June 12th to July 22nd. This now has the possibility of impacting the cost of my new lease if it doesn't arrive by then. The dealer only has until July 31st to buy my current leased vehicle from Ford/Lincoln otherwise it has to be returned to the manufacturer.:mad:


Was given a new ETA today. Moved from June 12th to July 22nd. This now has the possibility of impacting the cost of my new lease if it doesn't arrive by then. The dealer only has until July 31st to buy my current leased vehicle from Ford/Lincoln otherwise it has to be returned to the manufacturer.:mad:

Cutting it close aren't they.

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You could sell it to the dealer and rent it back for $0 per day or something similar
