33" tall tires on forth Gen. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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33" tall tires on forth Gen.


December 2, 2014
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Year, Model & Trim Level
92 ranger. 06 ex ltd
OK who's running 33's?

I picked up a set of 275/70-18's on the weekend and will be installing them soon.

Just wondering who all is in this category/club?

I have the 2.5" lift already and custom spacers out back to level it all out.

Going to run the stock 18" limited wheels and keep the 1" wheel spacer on the front. May need to pull (ziptie) my fender liners back a bit more to clear any lock to lock turning issues.

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OK who's running 33's?

I picked up a set of 275/70-18's on the weekend and will be installing them soon.

Just wondering who all is in this category/club?

I have the 2.5" lift already and custom spacers out back to level it all out.

Going to run the stock 18" limited wheels and keep the 1" wheel spacer on the front. May need to pull (ziptie) my fender liners back a bit more to clear any lock to lock turning issues.
I was going to do this but my friend who has an 4th gen ex with 2.5 leveling lit in the front was running 33s but the wheel rub so if you want to go with your wheels to rub go head


