5.5 superlift+ SOA..what next? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.5 superlift+ SOA..what next?


Well-Known Member
February 18, 2005
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left coast
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 xlt
i have a 93 explorer 4x4 with stock gears, with 5.5 superlift,-SOA, and pro comp es 3000 shock's and pro comp 33x12.50.

And i am lookin to lift more, i just picked up some f-150 coil spacer's, and ordered a trailmaster 3 inch BL, and gonna get some WAR shackles, and keep the 33's untill i get some 35's, do u think this is a right move,

Or should i have gotten a 2 inch BL? looking for 10 inch total, with 35's.

whats better the trailmaster BL or the PA BL ?

advice is nice, i tryed lookin for pics of my years trucks with the same lift's.

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LOL...32 views and no Reply's..Hmm

Seems fine to me! Thats the setup im running and it seems pretty sweet! Just dont plan on having it as your daily driver to long.

Do you have anymore detailed pictures of your truck?

10" of lift + 33's = ghey

93liftedXLT said:
and keep the 33's untill i get some 35's, .

Keyword: Untill.....

Not really, And personally if i did it agian i would run 33's over 35's. For one it makes it look bigger. And for 2 35's break EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IMO I'd stick with 33's for the hardcore offroad use.....

And I'd go with a 2" body lift.....I just think the frame hangin looks like ****

if you are going extreem jsut do an sas.....

10" of lift + 35's = ghey

ypu i concur..... colin used to have 35s on his first gen with only 4" of lift.....

i'm going to be running 35"s and will only have around 6" of total lift after the sas. A trail rig needs to be as low as possible. If your going to go offroad...do not get a body lift, they add NOTHING except body roll, if you want to fit a bigger tire get a sazall and cut (it can still look good if you add some flares)

If it is used on the trail at all, then forget more lift. Regear, traction devices and engine performance are the next steps.

well, were i live its mostly raining, and we do mud bogs, and muddy trails, and the sand in the summer, time, i dont do rock crawls or anything of that sort, i think ill be good with a BL.

thank for the info guys

That is way too much lift for 35" tires. You don't need to go any higher than you are right now, all you need to do is a little fender trimming.

just get some F150 coil spacers and some warrior shackles. Adding a 3 bodylift to a 5.5" suspension lift is going to be a little crazy just to add 35s. I live just 20 miles from you and 32s and my 5.5" lift are perfect for mud boggin' and doing all the trails up here.

If you've got 33s on it now, go with Perry fenders to fit the 35s. No BL needed.

With my 2nd gen, I did about 2" suspension with TT and re-bent leaves, 3" BL and Perry fenders for my 35's.

if your going with 35's are you going to get better gears and a better dana?

LoL, well i already have the 3 inch BL sold, When i get it, I am just gonna do coils spacers and shackles i guess, with perry fenders, i talked to a guy on the phone last night, that really helped me out with lifting and tire size, and trails, rock crawling,etc, ill stick with the 33's and save for some 4:56 maybe ill getget better milage, i already rub on the dam front sway bar

thanks guys

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You don't need spacers/shackles AND perry's fenders. You could do one or the other and fit 35's.
