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95 Explorer Sport Mods?

Hi, I just bought a 95 Explorer Sport, 88,000 miles on it. It has decent acceleration right now but, I would like to get more out of it! There is no mods done to it right now that I know of. What kind of mods can i do to it to get more hp and tq. Without using nitrous? I do not really care about top end, but i would like to be able to smoke the tires at a stop light without having to hold the brake! Not sure if that is possible though, without spending a bunch of $. I have about $600 to spend to make my truck faster, and info on what i should do to it, would be great. Thanks!!!

Also, can anyone tell me what motor i have i know it is a 4.0 6cl, but is it a ohc, ohv, or soch, how do you tell, and how many hp is my motor?

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1. Exhaust
2. Air intake (K&N or KKM)
3. Chip
4. Larger throttle body

that should get you started.

4.0 OHV, 160 HP. Regear to 4.10.

Do you think i should go with single exhaust or duals? I have heard that the 6 cyl with duals will decrease tq. Is this true? Also where do i get a chip from and how much more hp should i expect from it? Are they easy to install?

To regear it would cost you a pretty penny.

I don't think dual exhaust on a 6 cyl. would do much for you. I'd stick with single.

Do a search on "super chips". Matt adams got together a group purchase so everyone gets a little discount.

Joe, please do not double post. Just start one thread about each topic. If it needs to be moved it will. I deleted your under the hood duplicate thread.

Thanks for the replys and sorry about the double post! I searched for the superchip and I found one for my truck about $200. I am still looking in to the exhaust, trying to figure out witch one to go with. I want something that will sound really good. Any suggestions?

flow master, flow master, flow master.

I forgot what style and size I had installed. Maybe some else can remember what they installed.

I personally like Magnaflow mufflers. A custom setup with a Magnaflow 2.5" muffler and 2.25" tailpipe should run you about $200 at your local muffler shop.

Check out what gears you have. There's an axle code on the sticker on the driver door. Then go here: http://www.users.qwest.net/~ntrpriz/main.htm to decode it. Gears would take up the majority of your available cash, but they might give you that off the line power you're looking for; depends on what gears you have now.

But for $600: Intake, $100, Exhaust, $200, Chip, $200-300. Throttle body, $200. Good luck!

When you guys say intake are you talking about a kkm tru-rev induction kit, or the k&n filtercharger? How much of a differance do you get from just the k&n drop in filter, and the filter charger, or the tru-rev kit?And also how big of throttle body should i get? Alec how many hp is your x and what mods have you done to it?

Ok, i checked the code and it says i have 3.27 gears, and it says "open" under the description part. What does that mean?

3.27 gears are highway gears. That means that relative to speed, your rpms stay low. You can switch to 3.73 or even 4.10 gears which will greatly help acceleration but increase rpms at highway speeds, and thus decrease mpg. But other than nitrous, gears are usually the most cost effective way to help acceleration. Open means you do not have the factory limited slip in the rearend.

A KN drop in will help but not as much as a full airbox replacement such as the KKM or KN FIPK. The induction kits give you about 5 hp, increased throttle response (what you feel as new power), a bit louder and throatier engine sound, and sometimes a bit of mpg.

My X has about 300 hp and many many mods. Check out the pages in my sig.

I'm still looking for gears and i can not find them! I found a 66mm throttle body for $234, how do i know what size to get? Is the 66mm bigger than what i already have? Also i was looking at the kkm induction, on my stock air box i have 2 or 3 plugs that plug into the side of the box and hose where do they plug into the kkm at, or do they even get pluged back in? I was also looking at the superchips for my truck it says it will add about 19 hp and i think 23 tq, is that much even going to be noticable?

1) the bbk 66mm tb is a good unit, but get it after intake and exhaust for best gain
2) the stock lines are plugged or rerouted with the kkm, not a biggie
3) you'll feel the chip, but you have to use premium gas

for gears you'll have to get them installed. most places will only install them if you order it through them. so find your installer and have them order the gears, most likely around $200 for the gears and $200-300 for labor per axle (so x2 for 4wd). You will need to change your speedo gear to make it accurate after your gear change, and your rpms will go up about 600-700 (i think) on the highway if you go with 4.10s.

Ok I am going to go get the kkm and the exhaust this weekend then i'll do the throttle body and the chip. I'll also look into the gears this weekend and see what i can come up with. Any other mods I can do after that or is that about it other than nitrous or supercharger? I'd like to have nitrous but i would just get carried away with it and either have to fill the bottle every week or blow something up with ever came first! LOL! Thanks again for all of your replys!!!

if you do gears and those 4 power mods I think you'll be happy in terms of performance. Next might be audio, suspension/tires, and exterior stuff. But after those power mods you don't feel small power changes much anymore, and you start getting into serious power stuff. Nitrous is fun, and is safe if you set it up right and know how to use it. However, I don't use it much because of the maintenance and attention required of the system (because I'm **** about it).

i've got a 3 disk alpine head unit and 4 rockford fosgate punch he2 subs with 2 rockford fosgate punch 500x amps the subs and amps i bought from a friend for $800 cause he was broke, What a dumb ass, LOL. I am going to try and build a costum box to fit in the back of my truck so that the 4 subs point upwards. And i was also thinking of doing some suspention work and raising my truck up a bit but i want to do the power mods first!

Oh another thing.

Seeing that your truck is a few years old you can do a few things to increase performance.

1.Clean your MAF, intake tube, and TB/upper intake with 3M air intake cleaner, wipe clean with a rag
2.Switch to synthetic oils
3.Run half a can of seafoam into the motor.
4.Pour the other half of the can of seafoam into the gas tank

This should get everything going again. Also consider scanning your CEL codes to determine if anything else needs basic maintenance. After doing all this + TPS + 2 O2's my 95 has finally woken up within the last week or so. Sometimes I swear It doesn't have 160 HP.

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Where is the MAF and how do i clean it?
