All gears go forward - No detent action? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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All gears go forward - No detent action?


New Member
June 25, 2015
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Washington State
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Ranger 4x4
Hi all,
Bought a 1999 Ranger 4x4 automatic 3.0 motor. I knew that it had transmission issues...hence a great price!
Ok, I was told that initially it developed a "no reverse" symptom...then all selected gears (including P,R, & N) caused it to move forward.
When I dropped the pan I found the pin from the detent comb had broken off. Ok, I can install a new one. Not being a transmission guy...I noticed that when I select a different gear - the (existing) detent does not move, stays in same place. It is supposed to move, coordinated with every gear selected - right? When I disconnect the selector cable it slides back and forth when selecting gears from inside the cab. Has me Stumped!?
Also, when I replace the detent comb and the manual valve becomes active again - should that correct the "all gears forward" symptom"?

Regarding no reverse - I pulled the reverse servo and checked the reverse band. Band is good. I will replace servo O-rings while I have it out.
Question - when I replace the detent comb (and align pin in manual valve slot) could that also cure the "no reverse" symptom?

Thanks to anyone that can help here!

Welcome to the forum:chug:

I moved your thread to our Transmission subforum where the right folks should see it.
