Big Bear California Fire Access Road Fun run. Sat June 23, 2012 | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Big Bear California Fire Access Road Fun run. Sat June 23, 2012

Yes, well, there was. I think it's fully contained by now. On Saturday, it was huge! A couple of miles west of where I live.

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Beautiful day up here in big bear. Nice blue skies with light breeze and sunny with temps in the 70s today. Hope the weather sounds enticing and brings a few more poeple up. Will be at starbucks around 830 and leave from there to hit trails at 9. Please let us know if anyone else is coming:thumbsup:

Do you have any post trip pictures?

Had to put in the smiley. The title only post wouldn't get it done. :salute:

..:shifty_ey ..I think I wore them out...:D

..I didn't take any pictures but heard there were 2 cameras w/ possibly 1000 pictures taken..So I get to wait for the trip report too..:popcorn:

..We also witnessed a 1/2 dozen or so U.S. Forest Service motorcycles on trail and a helicopter landing by us around 10 a.m...Hopefully Boomer can shed some light on what was up..

..All I know is it was gorgeous and all had a great time...:biggthump

Post trip photos

Was a great time, would have been nicer with a few more people but anytime off the paved roads is fun. Tbars4, and our cabin neighbors, Bob and Becky in their jeep joined us. Hit the dirt anoud 9:30. Did some of the east end of valley. Then Just the explorers went over to the 2n93 and made the trip over Sugarloaf mountain. Finished about 2 and back to our cabin for some BBq chicken. Ted seems to like a little potato with his pepper.:eek::D
Was a good day. Internet is slow at best here so will post more photos when home. No I only got 147, will have to see what chris got.


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Wish I had gone


Those pictures look nice. Next time baby, next time!

Return Pictures

As my father mentioned we had a blast offloading in the hills of Big Bear.
Here is a map i recorded as we were on the trails:
Trail Run Map Here

Run was mild, with a water crossing, some good terrain and awesome scenic views with great people.

Here are my pictures, many were the same, so here is the best out of around 400 i took.
















sorry missed it...when is the next trip:D

Big Bear scouting trails

Chris and I did some scouting on Friday and tried a new trail for us. (3N61 Jacoby Canyon)
It was a little too rough in spots for our daily drivers. Any modded explorers like Tbars4 would have no trouble with this.


Just after this photo we almost got stuck.

After we got out of the rocks we stopped to check things. That was when......

Chris' got his blood pressure up when he had his first time to see :eek:one of THESE that was not behind glass.

His little friend activated his warning device and we gave him the right of way.


Sorry I missed it...

The motorcycles were most likely some of our OHV volunteers, and looking at our CAD, there was a medical aid at about 10 am out by Tip Top mountain. So the Helicopter was probably just configuring for a hoist operation to extract the patient.

Jacoby Canyon (3N61) is a fun little trail. Relatively short, and much easier if you run it from the top down. I've done it several times back when my Explorer was mostly stock with 31's with no issues, but then again it's been a few years. The hardest part is the semi washed out, rocky section that you captured in that picture.

Glad that you guys had fun!

Return Run Photos

Morning before we started the run. See we CAN fit three explorers side by side in the driveway.


Starting out driving east on Big Bear Blvd.


This is our neighbor Becky and her jeep who wasn't having a good time, Not :D This was shortly after water the crossing on 2N02


Rescue Helicopter on a mission. (Not for us:thumbsup:)




Ted and his shade tree (junction of 2N01 to 2N04)


On Trail 2N04


Tbars4 can even make the rocks watch him


End of first half of run. The great view in background is where we had been


Start of our second part, 2n93 over Sugarloaf Mountain


Meadow on the run


View of Big Bear Lake from Sugarloaf mountain



The three Explorers


Well the weather was great, Trails were good to us, our vehicles made it ok.
We had fun.
What else could we ask for. Maybe next time a couple more who could make it. No pressure. I do understand LIFE does get in the way.


Looks like you all had fun. Who does the monster 4X4 belong to?

Looks like you all had fun. Who does the monster 4X4 belong to?


Hope you and your family can make it the next time we plan one of these. The trails up there vary from just a dirt road, to mild rocky to some, like John Bull, that I can not do with my explorer. Tbars4 would be able to do them.

Sorry I missed it...

The motorcycles were most likely some of our OHV volunteers, and looking at our CAD, there was a medical aid at about 10 am out by Tip Top mountain. So the Helicopter was probably just configuring for a hoist operation to extract the patient.

Jacoby Canyon (3N61) is a fun little trail. Relatively short, and much easier if you run it from the top down. I've done it several times back when my Explorer was mostly stock with 31's with no issues, but then again it's been a few years. The hardest part is the semi washed out, rocky section that you captured in that picture.

Glad that you guys had fun!

Thanks for the info. I believe that was infact the same rescue we saw. We were near the Rose Mine off of 2N02 and I see that Tip Top is off the 2N90 which would be in that direction.

Yes that was The Jacoby Canyon. We started by Cactus Flats off 18 and went up. I don't think we would have had the same issues if we did it top down. A little more ground clearance would have really helped. The trails all change some during the winter storms just to keep it new each time for us.:D

..Wow, those are some really nice shots..:biggthump

..Definitely not as nice as being there in person but, really nice just the same..:D

..:scratch:..Did anybody get any pictures of that long climb on the loose rocks following that poor Jeep who was getting beat up from bouncing around in his ride?..:(


Thanks for the trip report! Can't wait to get back up to Big Bear. Being only a dozen miles away makes it all the worse to miss runs :(, but the pics are appreciated :thumbsup:

I did Jacoby Canyon alone (yeah, I know...) only a year or so ago and I never had any concern. I doubt it's much worse now with the mild winter we had.

>>> Another place I can stop by and do my driveway chalk art.. <<<
>>> Goodluck with the house <<<

Thanks! The new house is even closer to the trails than our current house and has more decks! Assuming I can make them safe (a large assumption), it'll be even better for a barbecue after a run :chug:

..Congrats on the new house...I thought you were buying the one that you were in...

..Are you in he same neighborhood or closer to Big Bear?

..Congrats on the new house...
..Are you in he same neighborhood or closer to Big Bear?

The house is in the same neighborhood, but sadly, it might happen :(. The home is Fannie Mae and they accepted our offer (had us under contract) two weeks ago. Suddenly just this week (after we actually filled out all the loan paperwork and cut a large deposit check) they rejected the offer for no reason. We're going on the assumption they got a much larger offer in between and are trying to bounce us out on technicalities. The rumor is they have several "all cash offers" (read: out of area investors). Pisses me off because Fannie Mae was chartered to benefit home buyers and the mortgage industry. A no mortgage sale to an out of the area investor is exactly the opposite of what congress told them to do :mad:.

..Hoping the best for you and Khiori..:biggthump

..and hopefully you both can make the projected Big Bear car show the middle of August..

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I would like to hit up some big bear trails and I wouldn't mind some snow either (I'm a Missouri boy). Should be getting my truck back july 28. Two year build is killing me. Trails look fun and wide enough for my fiberglass.
